Wrecked - Chapter 1

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You are cordially invited
The wedding of

Dhristhi Kapadia


Raunak Mehta

Khushi started at the card for a long time. She knew that Dhruv had a sister but she hadn't known that she was grown now and getting married. And also was unaware that her brother and Kushi were separated.

She didn't know how to politely decline without raising suspicions or questions. She needed to discuss this with Dhruv to know how they can proceed. The last they had talked, he had told her that she had wrecked him and true enough, she had.

But she could feel nothing. It had been that way for months. It was as if her heart had frozen. She felt nothing anymore. She just worked and then she slept and then there was work again. She had lived that way for months. She lived in the hospital dorms now and that's why she was surprised when Dee dropped her card at the reception.

She changed out of her scrubs and changed into a t-shirt and jeans and drive to Dee's house. It was Sakshi's mansion but they all lived together anyway.

An unknown man opened the door and she was shown inside.

"Dee?" She called entering the house.

"Khushi? It's been so long!" It was her brother-in-law, Veer.

"Veer jiju! How are you?" She faked a smile and went to hug him.

He hugged her back and put an arm around her shoulder and directed her towards the garden. "I'm fine kiddo. How are you? How's work?"

"Work is hectic." She said.

They reached outside the house and the family was outside. They seemed to be sitting around the garden table.

"Khushi!" They all had stood up to greet her and she waved. She settled in one of the chairs.

Siddharth had stood up and asked, "Coffee?" She shook her head in negative. "Do you have any chai?"

"Yes. We do." That was Sakshi.

She sipped her tea from her cup. She didn't like tea but she couldn't bear to drink coffee anymore. It always brought back memories and she was better off with them.

That was when her sister has come with a plate of samosas. "Oh Khushi! You're here!"

She hugged her sister and they all settled down. "But who was that man that opened the door? I was so surprised to see him."

"Oh since the pandemic is almost over, we hired the staff back."

"Ohhh." Khushi nodded.

"Why are you here then?" Janvi asked.

Veer held her hand, "Honey..."

She knew dee was mad at her since she had confessed to the cheating. She expected it to strong but it didn't anymore. She expected it. She had virtually ignored the whole group for the past months. She was legally divorced Dhruv and she had disappeared off the face of Earth.

"I just got the invitation you sent. Did any of you get one?"

"I got one but from the groom's side because we're in business with that family." Sakshi said.

"Well then. Are you going?"

"I don't think so. The kids are still young and the pandemic isn't over yet so we'll pass." Siddharth said as Sakshi agreed.

Khushi noticed how in-tune they were with each other. She too had once known how that felt. It was a good feeling to be one with someone, to be a team. How she was isolated. Her decisions were by her and stood alone. She had almost expected to see him here. She could've drew courage from her family and friends but the wasn't here.

"Where's Dhruv anyway?" She asked and the table fell silent once again and they all looked at each other having secret conversations just with their expressions.

"Um... he's at his home." Veer told her.

She frowned. They were hiding something.

"What is it? Does he have someone in his life now? What's with this awkwardness?" She snorted and sipped her chai.

"I mean..yes?" Sakshi said.

"He has a girlfriend?" She didn't mean for it to come out as a shock, but that had pulled a string. She was surprised that the same man who had told her that she had wrecked him was now dating again. The other side of her defended him that she was the one to cheat. But yet, it felt unnatural for him to move on so quickly.

"No. No. Not a girlfriend." That was Janvi.

"Just say it out loud for God's sake."

"Let's just say that he has no partners but he was just all over the place. And right now he's settled."

Khushi looked at her sister with annoyance. "What does that even mean? What does settled mean if he doesn't have a girlfriend?" She pinched her nose and then her brain worked, "Wait, he's married?!"


"Not at all."

"Is he or is he not in a relationship with someone else?" She asked in frustration..

"He is kinda? I think?"

"With who?"

"That's the thing. It's not a woman."

She laughed, "It's certainly not a man."

They were all silent again and avoided looking at her.

"It's a man?!" She sputtered out.

"I mean is it really surprising?? I mean he was a bit... always." Siddharth said jokingly.

"Siddharth!" Sakshi chided him.

"It's not what you think. He adopted a baby boy for God's sake!" Janvi spilled out exasperated.

"He adopted a baby?" She looked at everyone shocked.

"Well. Yes."

Hey. I'm sorry to cut this short but you can read the rest of the chapter in Chapter 1 of Wrecked which is uploaded and out!

Also you can follow me on Instagram for reels! Follow me @Sweet_shakkar

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