New Year's Special Update

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A/N: Before you read this. Just know this is not New Year's Eve 2021 but new year's eve in the past. One year after their wedding precisely.

Sakshi remembered the first year of her marriage with much disdain. It was the year that set precedent on what her marriage was publicly. It was a failure. Every social even Sakshi was invited too she was bombarded with questions from her in-laws and other society aunties. The question wouldn't bother her if they weren't so invasive.

But as Sakshi stood in front of the mirror, she looked the part of a newly wed bride. Her hair was in a bun and she had draped a gorgeous red paithani. Her diamond mangalsutra gleamed and twinkled. Her arms laden with bangles. And her hair part filled with red vermillion. It all mocked her. She was playing the part of his wife but she was near his wife was she? All these symbols and ornaments which indicated that she was his but none on him that said he was hers.

She had rarely seen him since she moved into the mansion which baba had bestowed to her. He would be back once in a blue moon. She had tried. She had given strict instructions to the staff that his luggage would always be put in their master bedroom. And he had complied. He would be there in the same room and yet she could see that he would be somewhere else in his mind.

It drove her mad. When she looked at her reflection, she could see a beautiful woman staring back. She looked perfect. Men always fell head over heels in love with her. She was beautiful. Yet, he had not even looked at her. He never acknowledged her. Sakshi had gone through so much of humiliation and this was by far the worst of it.

When she descended the stairs, she could feel all eyes on her. It was nothing new. They all saw a happy newly wed bride. No one actually knew how lonely she was.


Coming to this new year's party was a mistake. Siddharth knew that much. But, his uncle had ordered him to be there so he was here. The room fell quiet and as if he could feel a pull on his back, he turned and he saw her. His breath pulled and his eyes followed her with every step she took. She looked perfect. She always did.

God, what would his teenage self have not given to see this sight again and to be able to call her his wife. He wouldn't have believed anyone if they had told him that he would marry Sakshi. And yet they were married and yet she didn't belong him and he was always hers. Her words rang in his ears, "I don't want to live with him. I don't want to see him. I don't want to touch him. I don't want him. I just wish he would disappear for God's sake!"

He had disappeared as much as he could. And no matter how much he begged or threatened the staff to unpack his luggage in a separate room, they always unloaded it in the master bedroom until he had finally given up. He was sure, she didn't want him there so he kept his visits to her house as minimal as possible.

But it was true torture. To have her so close and yet so far away from him. It was like dangling a child's favorite candy in front of him. She held everyone's attention rapt until she came to the last step then she was surrounded by a group of guests and then he had lost her to the crowd.

He soon was distracted by a familiar face. It was Myra. He had avoided her too since a year. But he decided that it wasn't fair to her. They had to talk about it eventually. If Priya and Veer had gotten married as planned, Myra would've been his life. He tried to imagine how that might have been but he couldn't.

What was done was done. The past was in the past and someday he had to face her. He wanted that day to be today. Myra was at the open bar with her back to him.


"Oh look who turned up!" Happy New Year's Eve, Sid!" She leaned in for a hug so Siddarth obliged. "It's been so long since we..."

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