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Siddarth walked around the corridors. He didn't know which room his sister was. His palms were sweaty, his heart hammered but he kept a stoic expression on his face. He had come back to Mumbai only because Priya was getting engaged.

He had asked on of the guests and they had said that fourth room from the front was hers. But the house was a massive maize. He had counted four rooms down. He knocked on the door and moments later the door opened.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Siddharth was aware that Priya's match was fixed with the Rane's. He was also aware that he would have to face Sakshi Rane, but he hadn't expected to face her this soon.

"What do you want, stranger?" She snapped her fingers in front of her face.

Siddharth felt like cotton was stuffed in his mouth. It always happened to him when he faced unexpected situations.

"Priya" He forced himself to say it out loud.

"Oh. That door." She pointed to the door behind him.

He turned away from her. He couldn't take it anymore. He had wondered about how she was doing all these years. He was worried too but he could see that she was well.

"You're welcome, I guess."

He knocked the other door and Priya opened the door. "Bhai! I can't belive you came!" Priya pulled into a hug. He hugged her back until she withdrew.

"Oh god! Are you wearing that?!" They both turned to Sakshi. Siddarth frowned and looked at his sister. What was wrong with what she was wearing? She wore a cream colored legendary and it looked good.

"Priya! You are not wearing that color. Change." She bit in the meanest tone possible and slammed the door close.

A rush of anger passed through him as he looked at Priya's face. Her face had fallen and she looked like she was about to cry. He decided that he wouldn't let his sister marry into the family with that brat.

He remembered her arrogant accusations. She still was the mean girl. How he despised her. And he felt all the guilt melting away. Why was it this family of all the families?


Sakshi woke up and stetched extending her hand. Her back cracked in a satisfying crunch and she sighed. She got up from the bed, she noticed he wasn't there. She drank a glass of water and sighed. She needed to execute the next step of her plan, she needed to make her husband her ally. She was going to use one of Sanjay Sandhini's own blade to deliver a fatal blow.

She got up and paced around the room, sighing. She wondered how she could get him Siddarth on her side. He was the most vital key to her plan to bring down Sanjay Sandhini. She pushed back the plan to the back of her mind. She needed to go to the kitchen to play the perfect daughter-in-law again.

She bathed and dressed in a kurta and jeans. She rushed to the kitchens expecting him to be there. Disappointed washed over her. It wasn't him but Priya.

"Good morning babhi!"

"Good morning, Priya. Have you seen Siddharth?"

"Oh bhai told me he had an early morning meeting so I took over for breakfast! He might be in his study."

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now