Forty Two

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🚨🚨TW: Mentions of Abuse.

    Sakshi focused on her breaths and even though Siddarth was pulling her into his arms, she couldn't help but slip into her past memories.

   She has shut them out for so long that the memories burst out tearing out from her. She willed her mouth to move because she had to. She was tired of carrying that splinter in her soul. She wanted to push it out no matter how much it tore through her soul and flesh.

      "Girls always know, you know? They always know what good and bad means. There was a time when I didn't know but then suddenly it was too uncomfortable whenever my uncle came to visit."

   "It wasn't just him but he looked it me like his gaze used to leech on me and even though everyone thought he playfully made me sit in his lap, it just grew more and more uncomfortable and I used to avoid him by all means."

   "Baba and him were united in the party work but then on New Year's. You were there." She turned her head to look at him but she couldn't connect to him at all. She felt like she was at a different plane.

    "He saw. I saw that he did. You didn't. The look of fury that caught his eye, I saw it. And if I hadn't slapped you, he would've killed you. After you left, he dragged me to his house and he slapped me and beat me. And honestly it wasn't that bad...."

   She tightened the fists and then continued, "I saw him and he has this weird look on his face and then I saw his....he was excited and I knew what he was about to do when he tries to loosen his trousers but nothing happened. Baba had come to take me."

        She couldn't control her sibs then, "That's why this is so pathetic. Nothing happened. And yet I feel so broken."

     "God. Sakshi, that's not true. You felt violated and that's what you felt ..."

      "But I just went and ruined my life anyway m, Siddharth. I just didn't know how to handle it. Baba knew and he cut off ties with uncle but he still blamed me. I know that. He was so disappointed in me..."

     "And I lashed out. I started dressing more provocative and that's when I met Arjun. He was so much older and he liked me. I just wanted to forget. Everything was so new with him. And I was young and stupid and I recorded us once. He knew nothing about it. One day I knew baba was going to come to school for some programme and I knew the principal would show him to the newly renovated science lab. I knew that baba would come there."

     "I was just so mad at him for not protecting me and then blaming me . I just wanted to get a reaction out of him and we were just kissing and baba caught us like I had planned. Except he didn't react at all. He looked at me like he regretted me and we stopped talking after that. It was as if he thought I was dead. He acted like I never existed and in school Arjun had started to ignore me too and I was furious. I forwarded the video to this private group of girls. And I was so stupid."

   She pushed her face in her hands and groaned. "And I guess I don't know. It somehow was uploaded online with the caption, 'Bratty Princess gets Spoiled by Professor' . And it went viral in my school. Baba knew and that video disappeared and Arjun was exiled to Australia.  I regret it so much. It's all my fault and I tried so hard after that to be good but baba never....he always hated me" her voice tore and she looked at him, "And that's why it was so difficult to give up on you, I didn't want you to go knowing that I had disappointed you too and that you hated me too" .

      She cried in his arms for a long time. "I have never hated you Sakshi, my actions were hateful but I have never hated you and I don't hate you now knowing everything too and this won't change till the day I die." He told her.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now