dear reader

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Hello dear readers,

I promised I'd take only a break for only a week but I found myself blocked by life I guess? Anyways, I did write. I forced myself to write and I wanted to upload it but the chapter is very lackluster since I forced myself to just go through it. And this story doesn't deserve a half assed messy chapter so I'm not uploading it. I'm gonna edit it and upload it later.

When's later? I don't know. I'm human and there's just so much pressure to keep going. I'm dealing with a lot of things emotionally.

Posting on my message board every two days asking me to upload is making me so stressed. I know readers love this story, I know this is a petty thing to complain about but it is putting undue pressure on me.

And I honestly don't think it's fair that readers start to emotionally blackmail me asking me to upload as a favour to them?

I'm human. I'm not a machine. I can't churn out words like a machine just because it is Saturday. If I did that, frankly you wouldn't like Spoiled as much as you do now.

And also I am not pointing fingers, 97% of my reader base are kind and helpful and patient. But there's just 2-3 of you who do these things.

I know ignoring them is an option. I have been for all this time. But the constant barrage of messages saying upload upload is only making my writer's block worst.

It is projecting as if all you care about is chapters from me and care nothing of me as a writer. If you think that you as a reader is close to me to demand that I gift you a chapter on your special day, I think it's unfair that you don't care about me as a person.

At the end of it, what should I do? And the answer is I am going to block anyone who makes me uncomfortable. It is unjust to me and the other readers that some portion of the reader base is making my mental health worse and blocking my creativity.

I haven't blocked anyone who crossed boundaries because I just excused them thinking that they were just readers who loved my work too much. But I've come to the realisation that after this work is over, you'll move on to another book. But I'm here. I have to be here. This book is here because I'm here. I don't need readers who only care about updates. I need readers who care about this story and who care about me.

This might come off as harsh to the people who make such demands. For that, I apologise. And only for that. And nothing else.

I will try to upload soon. Thanks for your patience.


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