Twenty Three

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When she got back into the room, her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hey, Sakshi."


"Yes. It's Myra."

"Why are you calling me?"

"It's work-related. I had some documents for you to sign."

"I won't be at my office today. So, if it's urgent my assistant can handle it. You can contact him."


She rolled her eyes and ended the call. She plopped in her chair and twirled it around. It made her dizzy but it also swirled the desire in her. He wanted her, she knew that. But now she wanted him too. She felt ready and scared at the same time. Dhruv had told her; that it was normal. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Ashwin coming back to India bothered her. Why was he back? She wondered. It also angered her because it showed his audacity. As long as her baba was alive, they all fell in line and now they all were defying her. It certainly wouldn't have happened if she was a man.

Brushing off her thoughts, she parted the curtain and went out to the balcony. The afternoon sun was higher and its reflection glistened in the pool below. An idea for the date struck her and it had been too long since she had swum anyway.


     When Siddarth was done with his work, he checked his personal phone and read the message from his wife. She had wanted to meet him by the pool.

     When he reached the pool, what he saw took his breath away. The twilight and the pool lights played hues in the water and amongst them was she, a siren so tempting wading the waters.

      She looked like a goddess. The goddess had all the universe swirling around her.  This was the single most glorious moment in his life. He crouched down near the edge and she swam to him and he wasn't sure how long he could resist her temptation.

      "Hey." She said her head bobbing on the surface.


     "How was work?" She asked him but he was too distracted by the flowing ribbon around her? He noted that she was in jeans and a top?

       He crouched before her. "Boring. Are you wearing jeans in the pool?"


       She had initially planned a poolside date and had planned on wetting her feet but the water and the humidity tempted her. She remembered that she had learned to swim in hiding from her father. Girls don't swim was what he had said. One of her college friends was happy to teach her. But she never got to swim when baba was around. Today, she wanted to shed those inhibitions. When everyone around her had gotten used to her baba being gone, she questioned why she still lived by the binds and rules that he had placed on her. So, she took off her shoes and jumped in her pool.

       "The water is amazing, I couldn't resist." She told him. She was aware of the look he gave her. Reading him now was easier. Even though his face was passive, his pupils were enlarged and his ears were turning the shade of a turnip. He said nothing. He was always reluctant to initiate intimacy and she knew why. There were gaps of the past between them. It affected him in many ways as it did her. She understood that now. She only hoped that it wasn't too late to mend whatever was between them.

      "Join me?"

       And he stood up and even though he didn't answer her, she knew he would. He never denied her. He was still in his work attire. He curled his fingers around his tie and unwound it.

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