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Siddarth was glad the year was finally over. It was the worst year of his life. But that was what he said about every year. It was the truth. He hated coming back to Mumbai, to his uncle and aunt. They never left a moment to make him feel as if he wasn't an orphan.

He hated his life. He hated his parents more who decided to die in an accident when he was a baby. He didn't remember them at all. The portrait that hung at their house was of total strangers. He couldn't wait to be 18 next year and have access to his trust fund.

But then he met her. Sakshi Rane, the princess of high society who didn't associate with the likes of him. He had only heard of her.

He felt like crawling under the table and hiding. She was looking at him with those eyes. He looked away.

"Bhai, Sakshi Rane has her eyes set on you. You should talk to her. "

He looked at Priya like she was ridiculous, "Shut up. No."

"Bhaiiiii pleaseeee she goes to our school; her clique is super exclusive. If only you got together with her, my status at school will reach sky high?"

Siddarth popped his eyebrow, "What status? You're fifteen? And at school of all places?

Priya rolled her eyes, "You're talking as if you live under a rock. Everything is determined by status and people like Sakshi Rane are royalty."

He knew how important status was. Even in his boarding school in Ooty, there were cliques and hierarchies. But he just didn't realize that even his little sister had to go through it.

He looked at Sakshi again and she winked at him. He almost choked on his food. She was trouble. He had always known that.


24th March 2020:

Siddharth got out of his car. He was busy as it is. He didn't know why his uncle and aunt had invited him for dinner. It was a Tuesday and they didn't meet on Tuesdays but they insisted on meeting him.

All his senses were on high alert when he entered the bungalow. The staff showed him towards the garden. He went to the garden and saw that his aunt and uncle were sitting around the picnic table.

"Ah, Siddarth!" His uncle waved. He came and sat on an empty chair.

"How good of you to join us, Siddharth." His aunt said all saccharine.

Something was wrong. Else his uncle and aunt would never be this sweet. He guessed that they needed something from him, which was why this whole shindig was arranged. He could already feel a headache come up.

"Bhai! You're here!" Priya walked up to him carrying a tray of biscuits and snacks. She set it on the table and gave him a hug. He hugged her back.

"How are you?" He asked her. He could see the marks on her face were all gone. but it still made his blood boil considering how frantically she called him that night when he landed in Mumbai. He took a plane to Switzerland immediately.

He couldn't keep up his promise to Sakshi but he had to rescue his sister. He hoped to explain it to her, she never picked up his call, her secretary had brushed him off for the last few weeks.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." She spoke.

The table clattered with a thump. His eyes widened as his very moody wife set down a tray full of teacups.

"I'm so glad babhi is here too. I have missed you all. Babhi, sit down. I'll serve." Priya told her.

Sakshi gave her a fake smile and took the chair beside him. The last time they had met was at the airport and he remembered she looked tired. Today was an improvement, she wore a long shirt today with jeans. Her hair was open and perfectly styled.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now