Forty One

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"You remember?"



"I'd say about 95%."

Siddharth watched Sakshi pace to and fro while he sat on the bed. He felt like a new man altogether. He felt like he had gotten a new lease on life and he had decided to enjoy it to the fullest rather than sulk about what ifs and what nots. He caught her fingers pulling her to an abrupt stop.

"So you remember what happened after you wake up too?"

"Yes." He remembered her words and her kindness and what she had said, that he was her husband and the Father of her children and her family. He tugged her and she absent mindedly sat on his lap as he intended.

"Even right before the accident?"

"Yes." He tucked in the few strands of her hair behind her ear. That was enough for her to realise where she was and for a moment he thought she'd bolt but he held her steady and her body was stuff as a board. She wasn't looking at him but straight ahead.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"To the apartment." He was honest with her because he wanted to be. She stiffened in his hold again. He pressed his fingers on her shoulder and pulled her in till the top of head rested under his chin.

"You were gone awfully long."

"Well, I get lost once or twice. And then I didn't go in. I realised that I didn't need to know."

She withdrew slightly watching him with wary eyes. He kissed her forehead, rubbing her thumb on her jaw.

"I don't need to know when, I don't need to know where, I don't need to know who. Nothing will change the fact that I love you. So I might as well not know." He kissed her temple next. She gripped his forearms tightly as if he might disappear.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

She turned to look at him and he didn't miss the wet shine in her eyes before she shut her eyes. Her hands were in his hair now. Her forehead was to his. She let out a deep sigh.

"I love you."

It was his turn to go stiff. Still, she didn't stop. Her eyes were open now and she rubbed her palm down his chest over his heart.

"I had this elaborate speech on how to tell you this. But I can't recall it. I just remember that I couldn't tell you before and I regretted it so much. I love you." She ranted off. She held his jaw and kissed his cheek.

   "I love you and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything." Her voice wavered and he could see her eyes fill up.

     "I'm sorry I pressurised you into telling me. I don't care. I don't care at all. I'm sorry I was gone. I'm sorry it took me so many years." He whispered and kissed her temple again.

      She raised her head and kissed his chin and then his lips. He kissed her back. He fell back taking her with him.

   She laughed, "In daytime? You're insane! Let go!" She struggled faintly. He only held her tighter and  laughed.

        He flipped her under him and kissed her again. "I've missed you." He said it against her lips. Her hands were on his shoulders, "I've missed you too. But we have people in the house."

         "Five minutes." He said kissing her jaw and her ear. She only laughed and pushed him away. Playfully "Is this how it is going to be?"

      "Yes. Welcome to the rest of your life." He smiled against her neck. She only laughed quietly.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now