Chapter 1: Coning home

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Tony's POV

I get out of the car as my cab pulls up to my childhood home, I sigh in content as I walk up the stone path and knock on the door, the door opens revealing my mother

"OH MY GOSH MY BABY" my mom screams as she hugs me and starts crying, I smile and hug her back

"I'm home mom" I say smiling hard as she lets me in the house and closes the door

" what, I thought you were staying at Lincoln what happened" she says confused causing me to sigh

"Yea I decide to come home, you know I never liked boarding school, I only went because of dad" I say looking at her

"I know sweetheart but I'm glad your back, are you enrolling into East High" my mom says curiously

"Yup, I wanna play sports and do acting, it's my passion" I say sincerely causing my mother to smile adoringly and caress my cheek

"Well let's head to the school and register you, your father and brother are at the school now too so maybe you could say hi" my mom says hopefully

I sigh and nod causing her to do a cheerful jump and grab her keys as we head out, I smile and shake my head as I put my bag down and go to the car with her

We get to East high and I smile in awe, it is an amazing school but let's hope the kids are too

We head in and go straight to the office as class is about to end, my mom and I talk with the principal and he hands me my schedule for tomorrow along with the athletic schedule, perks for being the coaches daughter

We walk out with the principal as he starts showing me around, the bell rings for class to be over and I start to get nervous, I haven't seen my brother and we have a rather competitive relationship

We look through half of the school and we get to the gym and I see none other than my father and Troy along with the rest of the team practicing

I watch as Troy shoots free throws and plays around with Chad, our best friend from childhood

I look at my mom and she rubs my back as we head in, some of the guys look at me in confusion and others check me out

"Tony?" I suddenly hear my name causing me to look over and see Chad with a big smile on his face

"Hey Chad, miss me" I say proudly causing him to run over and hug me, I hug him back as I missed him a lot, he protected me against bullies in elementary school

"How have you been, when did you come back, are you coming to school here" Chad says rattling off questions

"Whoa whoa buddy, I've been good man and I just back today and.....yea I'm coming here" I say causing him to get all giddy and happy as he picks me up and swings me around

I laugh but suddenly a voice comes from across the gym, the voice belonging to my father

"DANFORTH, get back here we're practicing" my dad says causing Chad to nod and wave to me before getting back to practice

I smile as he runs off but I look over to see my brother almost seething from across the gym, we exchange looks as I head to the locker rooms with my mom and the principal

This is going to an interesting dinner

——————-A few hours later

My mom and I finish preparing dinner for everyone and setting up the table, we spent an hour looking for school supplies since at the bordering school I went to provide everything

We hear the door open and my mom goes to the door to greet my father and Troy as I stay back and put my plate where I sit

I go into the room and see Troy, my father and my mom all talking but they suddenly stop when they see me

"Welcome home Antoinnette" my father says causing me to give a fake smile

"Hi dad and I go by Tony........hey Troy" I say as I look in between the two who look uncomfortable as they shift around in place and Troy just looks at me

"Ok well dinner is ready so let's eat" My mom says as she breaks the silent tension, I head to the table as Troy and my dad follow

We all sit and say grace before digging in to our food, it's silent for a bit till Troy breaks the silence in the room

"Dinner taste great mom" he says looking towards her

"Why thank you Troy, your sister helped make the food too" my mom says hopefully trying to get Troy to acknowledge me since he hasn't looked at me since he walked in

"Thanks Tony" Troy says in a forced tone, I give him a fake smile and continue eating

"So....Tony, how was boarding school" My dad says looking at me from across the table

"It was boring and repetitive but not horrible" I say picking at my broccoli

"Oh well hopefully it gets better when you go back from your break" he says causing me to look at him

"Dad I'm not going back" I say confused as to why he thinks I'm on break

"What, of course you are" he says in a dismissive tone

"Dad I transferred out, I'm going to East high as of tomorrow" I say causing him to slam his fork down but soon pick it up and continue eating

"When did this happen" he says irritated as he looks toward my mom

"Today when you didn't even speak to your child" my mom says finishing her food and leaving the dinning room

"Well.....I hope you like it at East high, just don't sign up for basketball" he says after wiping his mouth and leaving to the kitchen

I sigh and finish my last bite of food and go in the kitchen and wash my plate before getting my back and heading to my room, I look around to see some boxes of Troys old clothes in here and I swiftly put the boxes in the hallway

I come back in and unpack my bag, as I finish I hear someone walk into my room

"Mom I'm fine, nothing has changed" I say not looking up

"Not mom genius" Troy says looking at me, my head shoots up and I give a distasteful look at my brother

"What do you want traitor" I say putting my bag in my closet

"I want you to stay out of basketball, you don't think I know why your back" Troy says causing me to look at him and walk his way slowly

"So what if you know why I'm back, I'm back for me and I want to do my own thing, not what my father wants just because his little bitch is doing everything he wants" I say angrily

Troy glares at me and just walks out slamming my door, I smirk at how I can still intimidate him

I head to my bathroom and take a shower before heading to my bed in my sports bra and boxers, I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling as I think

I'm going to do me and I don't care who is in my way

A/n ayyyeeeee, trying something out here and it seems good from what I've written, hope y'all like it


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