Chapter Thrity-Six: Can you have it all

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Toni's POV

I line up downstage with everyone as Ms.Darbus looks starts this thing she's doing, my brain is still wired from the Juilliard booklet in my hand and my eyes haven't left it for minutes

"Let's start with Mr.Danforth, step forward....your future" Ms.Darbus says as Chad steps forward

"It's easy...It's U of A hoops all the way" Chad says cockily and Troy high fives him and Zeke, I feel my stomach drop as I look to the ground briefly with Troy's eyes burning into me

I feel my girls rubbing my back as my anxiety gets the best of me but I remain calm

"Miss McKessie" Ms.Darbus says and Taylor steps forward, I look over to her as she stands proudly

"I'm going to be the president of the United States of America....Well I'm going to finish college first of course" She says confidently causing Ms.Darbus to gasp in amazement

I smile a bit as the back doors to the auditorium open and Martha runs in

"Martha Cox, your late" Ms.Darbus scolds

"I'm sorry Ms.Darbus I just thought maybe we could use a few more dancers" Martha says before pressing the button nearby

We turn to see the doors lift up and a large group of people walk in with smiles and Ms.Darbus laughs happily as they run over to us with some greeting Ryan and I

I sigh as I look forward and stare at my Juilliard booklet, I open it and start looking through the pages feeling excited but scared

Really scared

"Miss Bolton...Miss.Bolton" Ms.Darbus says before I look up confused

"Yes..sorry" I say as I close the booklet in a hurry before looking to Ms.Darbus

"Your future" She says and I let out a sigh as I step forward

"Oh I uh.....well...,.-

I look to Gabriella for help and she immediately steps forward

"Uh I think we should stage the perfect prom" Gabriella says and I sigh in relief as we both step back

"Hey man you tongue tied saying U of A there" Chad says playfully as he taps my arm, I laugh nervously before looking away but feel Troy's hand on my back

"I agree with Gabriella..and not just because she's my smart girlfriend but...because Prom is what makes senior year...Senior year" Sharpay says as she grabs my hand and Gabriella's, I just smile and nod to this

Great save girls...great save

I walk into lunch with Troy while holding our lunches, he's reading my Juilliard booklet for himself even though he's not going

"Dude this school is amazing...surprised your not considering it" He says as we walk to our usual table

"I know I love basketball" I say not very convincingly while sitting down and Troy sits on the table

"I mean look at all the courses and qualify for all of them...also Dad said that we have more college visits to do but it's only to not be rude" Troy says as he looks from the booklet to me

"Surprised your so fascinated with the booklet...are you all U of A never say ney" I reply causing Troy to chuckle but it's his nervous chuckle

"Oh uh...just curious you know, you've always been the theater kid of the family so...just never been in your world before" He says as he closes the booklet and sits down next to me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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