Chapter 3: Tryouts of Nightmares

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Tony's POV

I walk out of my last class of the day and head straight to my locker, Ryan showed me we're mine was after the most awkward first period ever

I open my locker and take my basketball and soccer stuff out, I decided to sign up for soccer too since I like to play and it will keep me in shape when basketball is over

I close my locker to see the blonde bombshell from this morning looking at me curiously

"Umm may I help you Sharpay" I say confused as to why she's here

"Your Troys sister huh, should have known from those gorgeous blue eye of yours" Sharpay says as she caresses my face

"Well don't count on me trying to help you get with my brother" I say taking her hand off my face

"What! How did you know I like Troy" Sharpay says as she steps back

"I'm not stupid, plus Ryan told me after class but hey it's alright, I'll see you tomorrow" I say walking away and to the gym

I walk in to see a bunch of guys talking in a circle with Chad off to the side shaking his head, I go to walk over to him but the guys in a huddle see me and turn towards me with glares

I walk towards them as the all form a wall and my brother comes from behind it

"Thought dad said you couldn't sign up Antoinnette" Troy says with his arms folded

"Since when did you think I was going to listen to that Troy, now why is the rest of the team glaring at me" I say looking at him

"They don't want you on the team, and neither do I and as team captain I have a say in who joins" Troy says coming towards me so we're face to face

"Well how about I prove to your little posse that I belong on this team" I say taking my jacket off, showing my muscles

"Let's do it, one on one, you and me, first to 20 wins " Troy says causing me to nod and pick up a basketball

"Fine, your ball" I say pushing the basketball in his hands causing him to move back

We put on my basketball shoes and the whole team moves off the court so we can play on the hoop, I walk in front of Troy

He starts dribbling and tries to get pass me but I read his movement and block the ball as he goes up for a lay up

I get the ball and dribble calmly as I pass it in between my legs, when I get to the 3-point line I shoot, and hit the shot

Troy gets the ball and we check ball again and I dribble the ball and fake him out before drivin to the hoop and make a lay up

"5-0" I say coming back to the line as Troy smacks the basketball and comes back in front of me

He checks ball aggressively and I smirk, I know I'm getting under his skin and I'm happy I am because he has no business trying to control me

I do a pump fake causing him to jump but I shoot once his out of the way, I smile and get the ball and pass it to him

"Out of pity ill let you have the ball" I say as he smirks and starts doing unnecessary dribbling moves and goes to shoot once he thinks he think I'm intimidated

I block his shot easily and starts dribbling to him, I start doing the same dribbling technique he was and once I fake him out I shoot, making another three

"11-0 Troy, let's go" I say taunting him, he really wanted to try me and I can't let that happen

We go back and forth, he hasn't made one shot yet and I'm three points away from winning, he races with me around the court as he tries desperately to play defense

We start pushing up on me and I push away as I do a fade away jumper and make it, all net

"And that's game, now can we get back to practice or are you not done playing games" I say irritated, this was a waste of my time and I had a tryout today

"That's enough games, the both of you" i hear across the gym, we look over to see my father coming in and walking towards us

"Troy, you don't own this team and you sure as hell don't make decisions on who joins and as for you made the team, Coach farmer is waiting for you on the pitch, change into your gear and don't be late" My father says causing me to smile and hug him

I pick up my bag and my jacket and race towards the locker room, I change into my practice clothes and head out

I smile to myself as I tryout for the team, I made the basketball team


I walk in to the house after soccer tryouts, I made that team too and got my jersey for the new seasons coming soon

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom and dad there as well, they see me and turn around happily

"Well....did you make the team" my parents say at the same time

I smile and pull out my Wildcats soccer jersey causing them to cheer and hug me, I hug them back and as they congratulate me

"And I have a surprise for you honey" my father says to my mother as he heads to his office

We look at each other and I can tell she's confused, my father comes back and holds up a Wildcats basketball jersey causing my mother to smile happily

I smile and hug my father as he hands me the jersey, I look at the number and it's number 2

"Thanks dad" I say genuinely as we head to the living room to watch the game tonight, I look over to see my brother in the hallway staring at me in anger

We glare at each other before I head into the living room and sit with my parents to watch the game

What is Troys problem but whatever it is, he's not gonna ruin my fun

A/n well damn, that was lowkey easy asf to right but I'm happy I could write today, may write more later idk but......


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