Chapter Twenty-One: Promotions

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Toni's POV

I walk up to Gabriella and hug her from behind as she directs the ladies in the pool for some movement class she's directing

"Hello my love...looking good ladies, keep those arms movin" I say causing them and Gabriella to laugh

"Hey....I had so much fun last night and I was wondering if we could- " Before I could get my sentence out, my phone goes off causing me me to pull it out and look

Chad❤️‍🔥🏀 - practice after work Captain

" uh ok I won't be in tonight so how about lunch when you are at...lunch" I say awkwardly causing Gabriella to giggle a bit

" me here at 1:30" She says as Taylor and some kids approach us

"Great...thanks babygirl...hey Taylor..bye Taylor" I say before kissing Gabriella and running off to work, I walk in and see Sharpay speeding towards me which makes a wide smile appear on my face

"Hey baby what's up" I say before kissing my girlfriend

"Hey babe....Fulton needs you and nice please because I'm helping him...tried giving it to Chad but he rejected as did your other teammates" Sharpay says in an annoyed tone and I nod feeling a little confused

"Ok...well I'm late so let me clock in....I'll see you later baby" I say before kissing her and walking to the kitchen, I walk in and grab my card before clocking in

I turn around to see Fulton standing behind me

"Jesus man....hey, Sharpay said you needed to see me" I say as Troy comes over to us

"Yea Sharpay said the same to me" He says confused as Fulton smiles to both of us

"I'm promoting you both" He says

"What!" Troy and I say at the same time causing everyone to look at us confused

"There's an opening to the assisted to the golf pros...salary clocking in...500 dollars a week plus tips....both of you will be doing this job" He says and I smile happily

I'm in heaven right now

"What! Per week" Troy says excitedly and I look to him but then my eyes travel behind Troy, I see the wildcats looking at us shocked and confused

"That's amazing Fulton thank you" I say and he smiles at both of us

"That's off the hook....I mean....I think it sounds very manageable" Troy says causing Fulton and i to look at him weirdly

"Great.., follow me" Fulton says before walking away

I look to everyone who gives us smiles and I smile back

"Boltons" Fulton yells causing Troy and I run after him

This job got so much better

We walk out as Fulton leads us to the members only lounge where the golf stuff is and explains our job a bit more

"Wait so you want us to teach golf" I say and Troy nods

"To little kids..all the joy" Fulton says and I laugh a little

"But sir I don't think we're qualified" Troy says and I nod in agreement, we're not pros by any means, we played for the golf team together but that's it

"Maybe not...simply show the little angels which end of the club to hold, tee the ball up then addition the board is extending membership privileges to you both...You both have access to complete club facilities but please do prudently meaning...fellow wildcats..not....congratulations" Fulton says and my shoulder fall in disappointment

I wanted to share this with everyone

My disappointment fades fast when Fulton opens our cubbies that are beside each other

"Woah" Troy exclaims as he looks his over and I do the same with mine with an excited smile

"You should be able to find some appropriate clothing" Fulton says then goes on to explain how we're dress, our shoes will be buffed and polished, I turn to Troy who looks just as freaked out and excited as I do

"And your own gold clubs" Fulton says as he puts two golf bags in front of us

"Yes! Theses are so cool' I say as I grab my bag which is black and Troy's is red, I take a club out and examine it fondly

I actually like golfing a lot since it seems so much quieter than basketball, baseball and theater

" both gave a key to your own golf karts, numbered after your jerseys...14 and 2...questions" Fulton says causing us to smile like children and take the keys

"How did this happen" Troy asks

" did we get so lucky" I say and Fulton laughs a little

"It would seem that the Evans family thinks you have untapped potential...and you Toni are are you Troy...we gave opportunities to your fellow wildcats but they we are" Fulton says before pulling us both in

"Young man and young lady....the future is full of uncharted waters and this family has real clout so I suggest you take the ride" Fulton says dramatically before leaving

I smile a bit as I let out a deep breath, this is a lot and I didn't expect any of this...I wonder how Gabriella is doing, Sharpay already told me she gave Gabriella all this stuff too and the internship for her chem lab

"This is amazing dude....look at these shoes man...we are going to kill it" Troy says excitedly causing me to looks at him with an unsure expression

"Crazy...haven't heard you talk like that about us in...a while" I say and Troy looks down a bit

"I know.....I'm just...over this whole rivalry thing with us...I wanna go back to how we were as kids" He says and I smile a bit and nod

"Yea....I'd like'll take time you know" I say and Troy gives me a reassuring smile

" are really cool" I say as I pull mine out and we start talking about them

It's nice....all this seems so amazing

A/n well then.....Troy and Toni are getting closer again, baby steps obviously but maybe they're parents were right about forcing them together lol(btw this doesn't always work in real life)


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