Chapter Thirty-Four: Spring Musical

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Tony's POV

I pull up to school with Gabriella and Sharpay, we park in Sharpay's spot and I glare at the guys that keep looking at her as she gets out

"Don't worry yourself babe...they don't compare" Sharpay says as she pulls me close and smiles up at me, I nod and grab her and Gabriella's hands as we walk in and people smile and wave at us

The hallways part like the Red Sea as we walk into the school, I wrap my arms tightly around my girls shoulders as freshman stare at them both

"These girls are staring to hard at you" Gabriella says as she holds on to me tighter and fixes my S and G necklace causing me to smile

"These girls are staring to hard at you" Gabriella says as she holds on to me tighter and fixes my S and G necklace causing me to smile

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(Toni's hair but is a bit more feminine but you get the idea^^)

"They won't do anything...not when I have you guys" I say, we approach my friends and Troy at the trophy case where our championship trophy sits

"Hey guys" I say as I do my handshake with Chad before hugging Jason and Zeke

"Babes I have to head to my locker but I'll see you both later" Sharpay says before kissing me and Gabriella

I smile and watch her leave, I watch her hips move side to side causing me to bite my lip

"Hey...she's my girl..stop looking at her like that" Gabriella says causing me and the guys to laugh, I shake my head and peck her lips before turning to the guys while Gabriella cuddles into my side

"I can't believe the season is over" I say and the guys agree

"Yea...but we still have the spring musical coming up and I have my cooking classes finally" Zeke says excitedly causing me to smile a bit

"I can't wait to guys joining again" I ask and Chad shrugs while Troy nods

"Yea....kinda bored with nothing to do so why not" He says and causing me to smile before fist bumping him

"Cool....babe..can I walk you to class" I ask Gabriella who nods and pulls me with her as the guys follow

I go to walk I'm but immediately bump into Rocket kid causing me to groan in slight annoyance

"Toni....hey brotha....sorry....uh...can I have your gym locker" He asks causing me to look at everyone else who immediately ditch me and walk to class

I put my arms up in defeat before groaning and looking at Rocket kid

"Why do you want my locker" I ask and he smiles at me childishly

"Well I'll probably be running the team next'll help me out with the guys and...since I'm your's only right...right?" He says and I give him a slight smile

"Right right..why didn't I think of that" I say just as the bell rings

"Oh tardy again....later bro" Rocket kid says before taking off down the hall but is stopped by a teacher who write him up

Sharpay walks past and Rocket kid looks her up and down causing me to glare at him as I take Sharpay's hand and guide her into the classroom just as Mrs.Darbus starts class

"Alright everyone, settle down....I know we are all excited about our wildcats top to bottom championships" Mrs.Darbus says as I open a note from Gabriella that was passed to me

I smile and look back at her, I see her smile at me lovingly and I wink at her with a nod before looking back to the front of the class

"That would be back to back Mrs.D" Chad says

"Whatever the case, that was a grand slam, well done....and now student body president and co-editor of the yearbook Miss. Taylor McKessie has important announcements" Mrs.Darbus says and I smile and look back as Taylor gets up and walks to the chalk board

"Senior trip committee meets tomorrow and reports Thursday to prom committee, which's is headed by Martha, so you guys can pick your tickets from her, this year's theme is the last waltz..but don't be last to pick up tickets...graduation committee convenes Monday following yearbook planning and picture deadline is Thursday and finals study groups alternate with all of the above....questions" Taylor says as she walks the classroom

She smacks Chad's desk causing me to laugh but then she slaps mine causing me to jump

"Yea...what's the special in the cafeteria today" Chad says and I roll my eyes and laugh

"A can of whoop your ass if you don't ask her to prom" I say to him and he smirks

"New York Deli...anyone else" Taylor says causing the class to ouu and aww

"Moving on, Ms.Sharpay Evans four term president of the drama club, spring musical report" Mrs.Darbus says taking the direction stick from Taylor

I smile gleefully as I watch my girl walk to the front of the class

"Well,with prom, finals, everyone is so busy...I was thinking I'd select something very modest to perform.....perhaps even a one woman show....ok kidding but really...with everyone so busy..I have no clue" Sharpay says and I chuckle a bit

"Uh..a little light on the signs ups Kelsi" Mrs.Darsub questions as Kelsi starts vigorously writing

", we're actually doing pretty well" Kelsi says as she gets up and hands Mrs.Darbus the clipboard

"Well well well, almost the entire home inspiring...I will happily see you all at the free period to discuss the show and make a very special announcement" Mrs Darbus says and I frown and my shoulder sink

I wanted to be with Gabriella, ugh

I look and back at her sadly before getting up as the bell rings, I look to Sharpay who sighs and grabs my hand

"Well my schedule is filled up with finding internships and planning my next steps on top of a ok Gabriella" Sharpay says as all three of us walk out of the class with Troy, Chad, Taylor and Ryan following

"No! I have barely any time for you both as it is and now I have even less" Gabriella complains

"It's not all bad...we're all still gonna be together....just with everyone in home room" I say a little annoyed

"Well I for one am kinda happy to have something to do" Troy says as he and Ryan hold hands behind us, i look at that but mind my business

Weird....they didn't do that before, Ryan got some explaining to do

A/n Hellloooooo im baccckkkkkk...I think lol


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