Chapter Twenty-Seven: Wake up call

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Toni's POV

"I'll go talk to her" I say to Sharpay before running after Gabriella, I look around for her but don't see her

I keep looking till I see her walking down the sidewalk but the bridge, I start running towards her, I have to get to her before she gets to the car

🎶"What about us?
What about everything we've been through?"🎶

Gabriella turns around and I can see the tears still in her eyes that dare to fall

🎶"What about trust?"🎶

🎶"You know I never wanted to hurt you"🎶

I walk slowly from the bottom of the bridge to Gabriella and grab her hands and pull her close

🎶"And what about me?"🎶

🎶"What am I supposed to do?"🎶

Toni and Gabriella
🎶"I gotta leave but I'll miss you"🎶

I hug Gabriella from behind as I refuse to let her go and leave Sharpay and I, we can still have our summer I know it....I know....what do I even know at this point

Toni and Gabriella
🎶"So, I've got to move on and be who I am
(Why do you have to go?)
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
(I'm trying to understand)
We might find a place in this world someday
But at least for now (I want you to stay)
I wanna go my own way"🎶

I watch Gabriella detach from me and run off to her moms car that soon pulls up, I feel the tears streaming down my face as I watch her open the door

Toni and Gabriella
🎶"I've got to move on and be who I am
(What about us?)
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
(I'm trying to understand)
We might find a place in this world someday
But at least for now, I gotta go my own way"🎶

I watch her look at me one more time before getting in and they drive off, I let the tears come out as I feel arms wrap around me from behind causing me to turn and see Sharpay with tears of her own

I pull Sharpay into a hug as we try to comfort each other, I look down to see the T and S necklace in my hand causing my cries to increase slightly

She really left......did she leave us

I sit in Troy's room as we both just stare at the ceiling, decide to go home with the advice of Sharpay to give Gabriella a minute to breath and her as well

I stare at the ground as our father comes in the room

"Nice to see you two hanging out....haven't seen this since you guys were in elementary school" Our Dad says and i just nod without turning to him

"Barely been out your rooms for 3 to 4 days, let's call the guys, get a game goin...and you better not let up on them Tony" Dad says and I sigh

"They wouldn't even come if we called" I say as I stare out to the backyard

"Find that hard to believe.. Chad adores you Tony and Troy...that's your best friend...I know you guys are...tense now but you've are changing" Dad responds as he comes closer to us and Troy stops tossing the ball in the air

" I seem different to you..this summer" I ask

"You dress a lot better...and your more forgiving" He says and I sigh

"Well what about you truly think he's changed" I ask as I sit on Troy's bed

"Yea...well...he's changing I takes time to change and grow" Dad says and I sigh

"I'm serious...we're serious...maybe our friends are right...maybe I am turning into a jerk with new shoes...avoiding them and only focusing on my girls....even making my girlfriend feel like she's useless" I say sadly as I run my hands through my hair

"Tony I'm so sorry this happened...if it weren't for me trying to ruin your wouldn't be in this mess" Troy says and I sigh

"Wait wait....Troy...we will talk about that in a minute but...Toni....where is this talk coming from" Dad asks as he pulls up a chair and sits next me

"I've been so focused in making this summer perfect for me and my girls.....then...Troy brought the guys and the rest of the student body....Sharpay helped Gabriella and i with out futures and even tried helping the team but they rejected it....she's helped Troy too and....the guys feel neglected and Gabriella feels like she's not doing enough for Sharpay and I....I've gotta new things and responsibilities and yet.....I'm losing everyone" I say sadly and Dad sighs

"Tony your not losing everyone...your friends haven't adjusted to...what the future will hold for and Troy have made up and they don't are getting scouts interested in you both and they don't understand and....they lost their opportunities to get help...but I can understand due to the limited knowledge I know on last year that...Sharpay isn't liked feels like they are being tell Sharpay to slowly build a friendship without giving them stuff..nothing but her personality and kindness" Dad explains and I smile a bit

"What about Gabriella....I don't know what to do to make her feel appreciated" I say and My dad smiles and goes to respond but Troy interrupts

"Take her on a meaningful date....all three of you...makes a day out of it and just make her...feel special" Troy says and I smile

"Thanks T" I say and he nods back at me

"You two...mean so much to me and your friends....things will get better two are the captains....the leaders...I've known these two kids...for a long long time..before...Antonio...changed her name to Antoinette....before the drama...before the issues I caused and I see the two kids I remember being best friends and ride or dies....I see them again....I have a lot of faith in them both....I changed because I was woken up out of my miserable mindset...and saw the daughter I am lucky to have...and my the same wake up two will figure your stuff two aren't alone anymore, you have each other" Our Dad says before tossing a picture of Troy and i from out basketball photo shoot and leaving

I look at the picture and smile a bit as I see Troy and I smiling at the camera while holding each other, I look to Troy and he nods

We have to solve this together

A/n well then......yea lmao and also how do you like the evolution of Toni/Tony and Troy's relationship as well and Toni's relationship with her dad


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