Chapter Seven: The Almost

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Toni's POV

I walk into the auditorium for our read through today, I've been reading the script constantly and getting my ques down as well as basketball practice and lately my dad has been riding my ass on basketball and making me practice for hours after school too

"Hey T" Ryan says as he pulls me into a hug

"Hey Ry, read for the read through" I say I say as I put my bag down and sit in my assigned chair

"Definitely and not just because I wanna see what the hype is about with your Romeo but to see your brother twitch" He says causing me to laugh, Ryan doesn't like Troy especially since he's been rude to me and Gabriella (finally spelled it right lol)

"Well let hope that he doesn't do too much because even Ms.Darbus is starting to notice our tension, she even moved him to the front so he would stop glaring at me when she'd compliment me" I say rolling my eyes

"Well let's hope that this play goes well and helps you get a girl" Ryan says winking at me causing me to look at him and laugh

"What do you mean Ryan" I say acting clueless, I know what he's referring to but I'm not gonna let that thought cross my brain.....again

"I mean that you and Gabriella have a lot of chemistry but don't think that I didn't notice that little moment you had with my sister at the game last week" He says and the last part catches me by surprise

"Wait you saw that" I say shocked

"I'm the mascot remember" He says and I just nod, the bell rings and Ms.Darbus come in and I finally look around to see people sitting down and pulling out their scripts so I do the same

"Alright everyone, welcome to our first read through...I expect you all to have studied your scripts well so let's begin with our leading lady Toni as Romeo " Ms.Darbus says causing me to smile and turn to my page

We get through the first act and start heading toward the parts that are between Romeo and Juliet aka me and Gabriella, I look towards her and see she's already looking at me, I smile charmingly and she puts her head down blushing a bit as I go to read my line

"I am no saint but I wish to kiss your lip" I say before looking over to Gabriella

"You may be no saint and your lips are attracting me to sin but lips should only be used for prayer" Gabriella says but I notice her looking at me the whole way through her line

"Then our lips shall prayer together like hands coming to answer to the lord" I say while staring at Gabriella, I see a blush come up on her cheeks and soon the nurse who's played by Taylor starts speaking

We break contact and I look over to see Sharpay glaring at Gabriella and Troy glaring at me, I put my head down and look at my script as I try to follow along but I can't help but smile at what just happened

I lay in bed finishing my homework when suddenly I hear the doorbell ring, my face scrunches up in confusion as I get up and walk downstairs, my parents are out on date night and Troy went to Chad's house

I check the side and see Gabriella standing in the others side, I lean back up and take a deep breath before opening the door and greeting her

" did we schedule something or are you here for Troy" I say confused, I mean while I'm happy to see her, I'm confused as to why she's here

"I came to see you and I wanted to see it you and I could run through our lines together" She says and I just smile and nod

I let her in before we head to my room, I close the door and turn back to see her going through the script and seeing where to start so I pull my script out as well, I look up at her and see she's looking at me with a look I haven't seen before

"Umm go to the part where Romeo and Juliet are ummm talking about their family and how their love" Gabriella says shyly, I smile a bit and flip tot hat page before facing Gabriella to see her facing me as well

"Juliet.....your family has shown hatred towards me" I say to Gabriella

"I am aware of this Romeo but I don't care.....we can be together" Gabriella says as she puts her hand on my chest

"But what about your father, he will have my head" I say worriedly as I look around but I feel Gabriella's hands cup my face causing me look at her, I notice how close we were and my eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips

"He will never know.......I have become distant from my family" Gabriella says as she looks from my lips to my eyes

"Thats not in the script" I whisper, there's a long silence as we just stare at each other longingly

I feel myself leaning in and I see Gabriella leaning in but suddenly we hear a door slam causing us to pull away

I stand there shocked as Gabriella packs her things up

"Umm I'll see you at rehearsal" Gabriella says before rushing out my room, I shake my head and go to follow her but before I do I look outside my door to see Troy kissing on Gabriella and leading her to his room

I sigh and close the door before flopping on my bed

I run up and dunk the basketball before jumping down and getting the basketball, I dribble the ball and jog to the three point line and shooting it before walking over to the basketball

I wipe my face as I grab the basketball when I hear the gate door open and close

"Hey Toni" Chad says as he walks over to me

"Hey Chad what's up" I say as I pass him the basketball

"Nothing much, just coming back from Taylor's,why are you out here so late" He says as he shoots the ball in the hoop, making it

I go and get the ball before passing it to him again

"Came out here after Troy and Gabriella decided to have loud sex, I didn't wanna hear Troy groaning so I decided to get some practice in" I say as Chad shoots the ball, and misses and I take the ball

"Damn well you could have called me to pick you up, Taylor and I would have minded you joining us" Chad says as he watches me shoot the ball

"Well Troy just got back from your house so it's alright and I wouldn't have wanted to be a third wheel" I say before shooting the ball

"Well Troy wasn't with me, I've been with Taylor all day but if you wanna hang out with us at some point I'm ok with it" Chad says causing me to freeze

"Wait you weren't with Troy today" I say looking at him

"No, haven't seen him since school" Chad says

What the fuck........

A/n ok well ummmm yea idk what to say lmao


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