Chapter Seventeen: Golf Buddies

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Toni's outfit for the first part of the chapter

Toni's POV

I walk into the kitchen with Gabriella as we say good morning to everyone, I clock in and I kiss her cheek causing her to giggle cutely

I look over to see Troy looking at us bitterly but the sound of a piano catches my attention, I look to Gabriella who hears it too, I grab her hand and pull her into the direction of it till we go through the back kitchen doors to see Kelsey at the piano

"Sounding good Kels" Gabriella says causing Kelsey to smile and laugh at us

"Thanks...actually I need to go get ready for the ladies lunchin but here I am playing the know I'm so excited about the clubs talent show, the employees get to do a number and Sharpay has definitely chosen you two to sing" Kelsey explains and I smile

"She wonder she seemed so excited for us to leave this morning" I say happily

"Yea..what song would we be doing...the one you were just playing" Gabriella says and Kelsey brushes it off a bit

"This is the song that Sharpay chose, she wanted me to take a look at it before saying anything" Kelsey says and I look the song over

"This song is amazing...did you write this" I ask

"N-I mean yes I did...wanna try it out" She replies and I smile

"Play that piano and we'll see" I say causing Kelsey to smile and start playing the song, I nod my head as she sings the song

I smile to Gabriella as I think of her an Sharpay, Gabriella starts singing it causing me to join in a little after

I smile as I watch Gabriella sing while looking at me, I move to the other side of the piano as Kelsey plays the piano and watches us carefully

Toni sings Troy's part obviously and does what he does in this scene^^^

I spin Gabriella around as everyone laughs and high fives together, I smile and kiss Gabriella passionately

"I got the talent show sign up right here...wanna sign" Taylor asks and I shrug before signing my name

"You guys are definitely coming with us's better with us all together" I say and everyone cheers, I look at Troy and he smirks at me but I ignore his smugness

If the wildcats are gonna be here, ima have fun with them , I still have time for my girls either way

Time skip

I walk into the spa section of the country club and see Ryan, Sharpay and her mother talking

"Oh hello Toni are you" Sharpay's mom says and I smile and walk over to Sharpay

"I'm good Mrs. Evans, how my she relaxing" I ask and Sharpay's mom smiles

"Sort of....she heard you signed up for the talent show with your school chums, I think it's lovely" She says and I turn to Ryan who sighs and I look to my girlfriend who looks stressed under her cucumbers

"'s gonna be ok....especially since I could always perform with both my girls leading with me" I say and Sharpay sighs as she removes her cucumbers

"Fine...the ragamuffins can join but if they mess up...or causes issues with me being with my girl...all bets aren't off" Sharpay starts and I laugh a bit

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