Chapter Twenty-Six: Stormy weather

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Toni's POV

I shoot around with Troy outside on our break, I'm missing a hell of a lot and it's starting to get annoying

Gabriella is ignoring me and Sharpay and we try to talk to her but she leaves to spend the night in Taylor's room

Not to mention the guys and the rest of the wildcats minus Taylor and Kelsey are icing Troy and i out, even Ryan is barely talking to me which kinda hurts

As Troy and I shoot around I hear music coming from inside the building, I look at Troy and he nods before grabbing our shirts and tossing me mine as we run inside

We follow where the music is coming from till we get to the dance room and see all the wildcats including Gabriella dancing and having fun

Without us

I feel my heart crack a little at everyone excluding me, including my own girlfriend

I regret how I said everything but they else could I have done, they needed to know the truth about what Troy did and how I'm dealing with it

"Let's....let's go Tony...." Troy says and I sigh before walking off angrily with Troy following behind me

Sharpay's POV

I hear loud music playing in the dance room causing me to walk over to it and investigate, to my surprise I see Ryan along with the wildcats dancing and cheering with each other

I look around for Toni but don't see her, only Gabriella

She hasn't been around lately which sucks, I had a whole dinner planned and I wanted to do an at home chem kit with her so she can teach me about about chemistry

God knows I know nothing about it

Everyone start leaving the room and I see Gabriella heading my way, I go to grab her but she speed walks past me causing my heart it sink a bit

I look over and see Ryan is the only one left in the room with the band, I immediately walk in as he turns around

"Ryan...why isn't Toni here and what's are you doing" I ask and Ryan sighs as she adjusts his hat

"Toni hurt her wildcats by defending you and basically telling them she doesn't wanna hang out with I got someone else to help with the dancing and preparations...and I'm making my own show with the wildcats" Ryan says and I huff

"Toni only told them the truth, I've tried bonding with them but they don't want to accept it" I say defensively and Ryan chuckles

"Sis.....the wildcats feel bought not bonded wanna bond with them...pick up a basketball...not buy them new shoes or give them hand outs.....look I know you mean well but that's not how they receive love especially your girlfriend who by the overwhelmed" He says and I feel my heart drop

"Why couldn't she tell me that" I say angrily

"Because you and Toni don't listen...look I gotta go but..good luck with your show" He says as he taps my shoulder and walks out, I feel myself on the brink of tears and I did not spend all this time on my make up to mess it up

"Give me a beat" I say to the drummer and he smiles before doing as told, I walk out on beat to the drums as I go to find a new way to make my girl happy

Time skip

I walk into Fulton office with my dog in hand, I have one mission, make things as good as possible

"The show needs a change...I'm doing a solo and Toni and Gabriella are going the duet..The wildcats can be in it but have them be the second main event...more basketball and theater, music booster need to be in attendance as well" I say and Fulton looks at me and sighs

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