Chapter Four: Drama....literally

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Toni's POV

It's been a week since my first day and the tryouts debacle and so far things are great minus practice. Troy has made it his mission to make it stressful and he's been doing this who frat boy hazing thing

Taking my clothes in the shower and making me run through the halls is a traditional thing but turning my white clothes pink and putting itching powder in my boxers is not apart of the normal hazing

I walk into school carrying my bag and making a beeline to my locker, we have a scene to rehearse in drama and I have to practice on my own

I get to my locker and put in my combination before opening it and shoving my stuff in it, I take my script out and start going over the lines and some of the music

As I hum and sing to myself I feel a presence next to me, I turn my head to see Gabrielle, I smile and look at her curiously

"Hey Gabrielle what brings you to my locker" I say confused

"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out after school, I want to get to o so you betters since your my boyfriend's sister" She says nervously as if I'll say no

"Sure, I have practice after school but I don't mind going out after....unless you have plans with my brother" I say checking if she's canceling something

"I wouldn't ask you to hang out if I had plans silly, just meet me in the parking lot ok bye" Gabrielle says and with that she leaves

I laugh and shake my head as I collect my books and close my locker before heading to class and missing a glare from my brother around the corner


I come into the theater as practice was canceled due to rain, I walk in with my stuff as Chad and Troy come in along with Ryan and Sharpay with Gabrielle coming in last

Ms.Darbus comes out with another girl as she sees us come in

"Welcome children, glad you all come be here to start our production of the school Musical" Ms.Darbus says as we all nod and smile a bit

"Now I need for a certain Bolton to come forth as I need for them to show me what they got" Ms.Darbus says

Troy smiles and walks towards her but she puts her hand up as she makes an amused face

"I was talking about your twin Mr.Bolton, Toni dear please come over here" Ms.Darbus says causing Troy to step back a bit and stand next to Chad as he laughs and Troy smacks his arm

I walk up to Ms.Darbus as the whole group starts looking at me expectingly

"So Ms.Bolton what is your talent when it comes to theater" Ms.Darbus says

"I'm great at singing, dancing and acting Ms.Darbus" I say nonchalantly as she gives me a surprise yet amused look

"Well aren't you full of confidence....but I like that so why don't you show us what you got" and.Darbus says

I nod everyone moves out the way so that I can do my "audition" of sorts

"Aye can I get someone to back be up on this" I say and two random guys nod and stand behind me

I take a deep breath before I start singing the first song that comes to mind (a/n yes I know it's harder to sing and dance at the same time but follow me here and also the video and song above)

I finish the performance and everyone starts cheering and I smile and high five the dancers as I walk over to Ms.Darbus

"Sweetheart that was.....magnificent I absolutely loved it and you are a steal....welcome to the Musical" and.Darby says

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