Chapter Eleven: The Game

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Toni's POV (few days later)

I dribble the ball down the court slowly as I look around for my teammates, this game has been hell with so many fouls called on us and them as well as Troy being the regular asshole he is

I get to the 3 point line and see no one is open, I pump fake before shooting and making it causing the crowd to go wild

I smile and look over to Sharpay and my mom who are cheering me on

"Great job baby" Sharpay yells as my mom smile and claps, I wink at them both and put my focus back into the game, I see one of the players from the other team dribbling down the court rapidly and I instantly leave the person I'm guarding and smack the ball out of the guys hand

I rush up the court as my team and the other team follow before turning back and seeing Chad coming close behind, I throw the ball off the glass and smile as I turn around and see Chad dunking the ball

I high five him and pat the back of his head as we move down the court again, I see Troy out the  corner of my eye and he's glaring at me, I ignore him a nod guard my man who was now passed the ball

I guard him as best I can but he charges me and makes his way to the basket with ease so now their only down by five, I get to the line and pass to Troy and we head down again, as we do I see him observing the area around him since there's two on him

"Troy" I yell as I move behind him but he ignores me and shoots the ball making a three, I let that go and the game continues like that we're Troy gets the ball and is guarded heavily but won't pass to anyone as well as not guarding his man when I do have the ball

I've drawn like three or four fouls this game from that

Now we're in the forth quarter and we're tired due to Troy and I missing a bit, I dribble down the court and I look around and see everyone is guarded heavily like usual but I can drive to the basket

I do just that and toss up the ball but I'm knocked to the ground hard by Troys man yet again, I'm slow to get up and Chad and another teammate help me up

"Troy guard your fucking guy man" I say irritatedly

"He got away from me" He says defensively but I know he's lying, I walk over to him and get in his face

"He's gotten away from you like five times this one game, get your shit together" I say angrily

"Shut up Antoinette I'm carrying this game" He says and pushes me, I go to push him back but Chad pulls me back a s the other guys pull Troy back

"Time out" Dad yells and I know we're in for it, I look at Troy before marching over to our father who looks angry

"I don't know what the hell is going on with you two but cut it out, Troy guard your man like you've done a million times and start passing the ball, Toni cool your temper down and stay focused both of you" Dad yells and Troy and I nod

We get back in the game and I shoot both my free throws before the game starts again, we get possession of the ball again thanks to Chad and now we're up the court again, Chad has the ball and he's guarded heavily

"Chad" I yell as I come behind him, he passes me the ball and as I'm dribbling to the basket I'm pushed and I hit the ground hard and slide a bit

"What the fuck man" I say as I get up but Chad hold me back as well as another teammate, I look at see it's Troy's guy again, I instantly get out of Chads grip and storm off the the locker rooms as I hear Sharpay, my mom, Chad and everyone yelling for me

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