Chapter Twenty-Three: What Team?

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Toni's POV

I run into the building with Troy as I see Fulton and hear Mr.Evans voice as he talks to someone

I look to Fulton who motions to Mr.Evans

"Toni...Troy this is" Mr.Evans goes to say but we cut him off

"I've seen them all play at U of A" I say and Troy nods

"Well come scrimmage at our gym, it be good for your game" One of the men says causing my eyes to almost fall out of their sockets

"Play...we play...with you guys" Troy says as he looks at them as stunned as I do

"Yea let's get down bro...and lady" The guy says causing me to laugh a little, mostly laughing from nervousness

"Awesome" I say as I shake the guys hand and Troy does the same

"Alright let's get some awesome lunch" Mr.Evans says when suddenly Sharpay comes up behind my with a tie and puts it on my shoulder

"I knew it...coral so goes so great with your eyes baby...and mine too" She says excitedly causing me to smile

"It's beautiful..just like you" I say causing the guys to awe teasingly and Sharpay to blush

"Aren't y'all cute" Mr.Evans says and I smile before pecking Sharpay's lips as she follows us to the table

Time skip

"So we're running the clock out and he shoves in the bleachers like I'm Steve Nash and so...I dropped 25 on his head" I say causing the guys to laughs as Chad brings our food over

"Thanks Chad....oh I forgot...I ordered Swiss and some food for bad man" I say causing Chads smile to fade as he takes the plate and walks off

"So you guys handy at golf" The U of A guys asks and I nod along with Troy before helping him with the club he has in his hand

Gabriella's POV

I sit with Taylor as I sulk in my seat, Sharpay just surprised me with a specialized lab coat to wear when I'm doing my internship and a dinner for tonight with just us, not to mention that Toni cancelled our lunch date because of some basketball players

"I think your right about Troy....Toni acted so different to the usual Toni I know and Troy was eating up the basketball players attention out there...she definitely won't spend time with us now" Chad says as she comes over and takes a seat next to us

"Why invite us here if she's going to have be busy all the time ...Gabriella you need to talk to your girls" Taylor says and I sigh heavily

I hate lying to them...more like not being honest with them about this

"Guys....Toni....I'll talk to her..whenever I can" I say sadly before looking at my two Chinese food specials that I ordered

"Well hopefully training with us later today will help with it" Chad says and I try to not to get mad, he and the team been taking Tony away from Sharpay and I for the past week with training after work

The pool date was Toni ditching them and they threw a fit about it till she told them to calm down

Wish I had my girls

Sharpay's POV

I run into the piano room where Ryan and Kelsey are and immediately rummage they the papers

I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off, not only am I working on the show but I'm helping Gabriella and Toni with their careers with no time with my girls

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