Chapter Twenty-Nine: Making things Right

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Toni's POV

Troy and I walk to the yoga studio to see Mrs.Evans

"Hey Mrs.Evans...uh can we talk" I ask catching the woman's attention and she gracefully walks over to us

"Hello dears....what brings you to my sanctuary" She says and I sigh

"Why can't the wildcats be in the show....the employees...what happened" Troy asks curiously and Mrs.Evans sighs

"Oh well....we saw how your school chums were treating you we punished accordingly" She says and my eyes widen

"Wait but they think Sharpay did it" I say and she gives me a shocked looks

"Well that's most certainly not the case....well....what has happened" She asks

"Nothing but....we're fixing things and one that we'd like to fix is....the wildcats being back in the show" I say and she sighs

"Dear that's sweet but the treatment was very poor and unnecessary...I would love if they apologized before I do you and my daughter...even Troy" Mrs.Evans says and Troy hisses a bit

"I owe them more of an apology....I se this whole thing into motion..but I think we can get them to apologize" Troy says as my phone dings causing me to pick it up

Sharpay: The wildcats aren't that bad, things are looking up

I smile turn my phone to Mrs.Evans

"Looks like things are getting better.....but we'll get you that apology" I say and Mrs.Evans smiles

I smile back and Troy and I head off with Mrs.Evans following suit

Time skip

I sit in the dressing room with Sharpay as we get ready for the performance, I adjust my suspenders and my hair before looking at Sharpay through the mirror

I sit in the dressing room with Sharpay as we get ready for the performance, I adjust my suspenders and my hair before looking at Sharpay through the mirror

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Toni's outfit and jewelry and her hair  ^^^

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Toni's outfit and jewelry and her hair  ^^^

"You look gorgeous baby" I say and Sharpay smiles brightly

"Thank you baby...but this performance won't be the same without Gabriella....ugh I planned this all for us" She says and I frown a bit

"What" I say confused and Sharpay sighs as she turns to face me

"I....I wrote the song we're performing....I wrote it about you and Gabriella and I had Kelsey help me with it..that's why I'm not doing a performance with Ryan this year" She explains and before I can respond, the curtain draws revealing Ryan

"Well aren't you a romantic sis...should have known" He says and I smile

"Hey Ry...look I'm sorry for not spe-

"Toni I don't care about that anymore.....your my best friend and while I love hanging out with you...that life guard has been keeping me busy...but Sharpay....I wish you would have told be beforehand" Ryan says and I smile at him

"Ry I wanted too but....actually there's no excuse...I'm sorry" Sharpay says and Ryan smiles before hugging his sister

"Knock em dead sis...and Toni....I think you guys will be fine with show" Ryan says and I look at him confused before turning to Sharpay

"I'll be back....have an apology to get" I say before pecking Sharpay's lips and heading to the kitchen

I walk in to see Troy already looking my way, I nod and walk out to see everyone standing there in uniform, I sigh as Chad stares at both of us with a guilty and sad look on his face

"Chad i-

"I'm sorry Tony....we've been so selfish about you spending time with Sharpay and Gabriella...without realizing that Troy tricked have two girls you love and we were.....being rude about intruding on your time with them" Chad apologizes

"Yea...we love our captains and...we missed you but you've been there for us for so long...we got spoiled" Jason says and everyone else nods and all apologize at the same time

I smile and nod causing them to do the same, I look to Troy and I can tell he's nervous as hell

"I was once your....leader....sole captain...and I failed all of you....especially my best friend sister...I lied and scammed you guys trying to get back at Toni and that was wrong...I've been wrong for years and I can't apologize enough but I so sorry for messing up everyone's summer....I haven't been a captain and I haven't been a good friend and if you all still want me in that role than ok but...I also understand if you take me out of it" Troy says and I look at him shocked

Dad already grounded him and this is another low

"We won't take you out of being captain as long as you've changed.....if Toni of all people can forgive you....we can too....I can too" Chad says and everyone nods, Troy looks up and smiles slight at our best friends

"Come here you two" Chad says before pulling us in a hug, we hug him tightly as everyone cheers and daps us up

"And this is a great scene to have" I hear causing me to turn around and see Mr and Mrs. Evans standing at the entrance with Ryan

" guys heard i guess" I say and they nod

"But...have you guys heard that..l....we will allow everyone of be in the show" Mr.Evans says causing all of us to cheer

"Thank you so much Mr and Mrs Evans....thank you for everything and I mean everything" Troy and I say causing them to smile and laugh

"We adore you two...and you Toni...have a performance to catch" Mrs.Evans says and I smirk before looking at the wildcats

They smile and shoo me away causing me to laugh and run out to Sharpay, I see her biting her nails nervously before looking at me

"Did they do it" She asks and I smile

"They did" I say and Sharpay smiles before running into my arms and hugging me close

"Girls....places..." Sharpay yells before pulling me into a kiss

"I love you" I say without thinking and Sharpay looks at me shocked and I look at her the same way

"I...I love you too Tony Bolton" She says and I smile and pull her into a more passionate kiss

Show time

A/n well damn....that's great lmao


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