Chapter Nine: Date Date

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Not proofread and this is Toni's outfit for the first part of the chapter ^^^

Toni's POV

I sigh as I walk down hallways next to the auditorium as I try to let out some nerves, I asked Ms.Darbus to let me have a second before the show starts and thankfully she understood given that it's my first lead role and the week I've had

"You can do can do this" I whisper to myself, as I walk further down and before I turn the corner I hear voices coming from the other side but I ignore them till I look up to see Sharpay and Gabriella leaning in at the same time

"What the-" I say causing them to pull away and look at me mortified, I look I'm between them confused and a little hurt

"Toni...." Gabriella says as she comes towards me

"Toni please let us explain" Sharpay says and I go to say something but I'm cut off by Ms.Darbus who comes out into the hallway

"It's showtime everyone" She says excitedly, I clench my jaw and look at Sharpay and Gabriella who look at me with a guilty look on their faces but I can't really be too mad at them

Two weeks earlier

I walk out of Ms.Darbus's class and down the hallway feeling very confident, opening night is in two weeks and I can't wait to see how we do and to preform, especially since Gabriella is my love interest

Things have gotten complicated though, I've been so busy working out and practicing with my dad and for the play and for the game coming up against our rivals that I haven't been hanging out with anyone

Not to mention my feelings for Gabriella that have been spiraling me but there's a complicated thing in that

"Hey Toni" Sharpay says popping up next to me and hooking her arm around mine

There's the complication I'm talking about....I have feelings for Sharpay too which have also been spiraling me

"Hey Sharpay" I say flirtatiously as we stop at her locker like always

"So I was wondering......if we could...go on a date" She says nervously after opening her locker

"Is the Sharpay Evens asking me in a date" I say in a shocked tone, she rolls her eyes and pushes me playfully

" what do you say" Sharpay says, more confident then before

"Yes I'd love to go on a date with you" I say smiling ear to ear, she jumps excitedly before shutting her locker and walking over to me

"Great, meet me at my house after school...and oh, be dressed in a suit" She says before kissing my cheek and going to leave but before she does , I see her look over so I do the same

We both see Gabriella and Troy making out against the lockers well more like Troy looks like he's making out with a wall with Gabriella giving minimal effort

I clench my jaw and look away as I feel jealous creep up into me, I look over to see Sharpay left, probably in disgust too so I decided to walk away as well and to my next class

Sharpay's POV

I walk away from Gabriella and Troy's PDA in disgust and jealousy, I can't help but feel a bit guilty for being jealous of Troy but yet I like Toni

"I hate feelings" I grumble causing people to look at me weirdly, I give them a glare causing them to look away and I march to my next class

Gabriella's POV

I pull away from Troys kiss and try to not look disgusted, the more I have been trying to be into our relationship, the more I'm pushing away from it and it doesn't help that I've been constantly thinking about Toni and Sharpay

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