Chapter Thirty-One: Best. Summer. Ever

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Tony's POV

I walk up the hill with the guys and the girls as we hold lanterns for the end of the summer, I sigh as I look at the stars and smile at the memories

"This summer was fun....even with all the drama" Taylor says and we laugh

"Definitely.....this summer wasn't too bad with you guys" I say and we all smile at each other

"On to senior year" I say and let out a deep breath, as everyone jokes around beside us, everyone goes down the hill and I stand with my girls beside me

"I'm proud of us" Gabriella says and I nod

"We've grown this summer...can't wait for next year" Sharpay says and I nod nervously

"Yea....can't wait" I say unsurely

"I love you both so much" Gabriella says and I smile at her

"I love you both as well" I say and kiss Gabriella and Sharpay's heads

"I love my have no idea how much" Sharpay says and we kiss her before looking up

"The stars aligned for us...for us to be together" I say and peck both their lips before releasing the lanterns just as fireworks go off

I pull my girls close to me and we kiss and cuddle into each other as our friends tease us and joke around

I smile at them then to my girls just as the sprinklers come on causing us to jump, I laugh as my shirt starts to cling to me and my girls laugh and move their now wet hair out of theirs faces

We all look at each other and I lean in and kiss Gabriella passionately before pulling away and kissing Sharpay just as passionately, we pull away and I watch Gabriella and Sharpay kiss

They look to me after and I pull them in and laugh at our friends being idiots

I dance with the guys on the pool side, I pull my girls with me and grab a mic and sing, I dance and look at my girls flirtatiously

I dance down the stairs with Chad, Ryan and Troy as I dance and eye my girls before going to the front of the pool, I dance next to my brother as we do our old handshake before going to dance with different people

I spin my girls and peck their lips before moving to the side with the guys then back with the girls

The music fades and I pull my girls in as we make over way back up to the top of the rocks

I look at both of them before doing a flip into the pool with them both following suite, i cheer and laugh as they splash me and I splash them back

Best. Summer. Ever

Time skip

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling, lots of thoughts and overthinking going on in my brain

Senior year is coming and I....I can't even bring myself to say it in my head let alone out loud

I thought I'd have everything figured out by now but...nothing...absolutely nothing

"Hey miss your girls already" My dad says as he enters my room, I sigh as I run my hands through my hair

" here for the talk" I ask and I hear him sigh before feeling a dip into the bed, I look over to see him already looking at me and I sit up and stare towards the floor

"I am....have you decided yet...again I know it's tough's important especially now" He says and I nod

"I know" I say sadly and he looks at me worriedly as he starts rubbing my back

"What's going on Tony....I mean this decision on which career you want is hard but....what's going through your head right now" He asks as she tries to comfort me

"Dad...I haven't decided....I can't decide I just....I don't know if I wanna do basketball or sing...I'm still stuck" I say and my father sighs heavily and I put my face in my hands

"Hey's ok....there's no need to know right at this moment ok....just take it one day at a have many options open to you..more than you know" He says as he pulls me into his chest and hugs me

I don't know what I'm going to do with my life....I'm going into senior year....and can't decide on a career

I'm fucked

A/n we are, at the end of high school musical 2 and let me just say....we're almost done...sort of I mens we have one more movie left but...we're in the last movie y'all, I hope your ready for high school Musial 3


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