Chapter Twenty-Five: Losing it

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Tony's POV

I smile as I watch my girl and my best friend dance together by the pool, I walk towards them and as Ryan spins Gabriella around they see me coming towards them along with Troy next me

"Hey" They say and I smile

"Got the moves Ry....teaching my girl genius a few things" I say as I grab Gabriella's hand and spin her around before pulling her close

"Yes I am...and thanks for offering to help, you really didn't have too" Ryan says and I wave him off

"It's no big deal I wanna help...and...Troy wants to as well" I say and Ryan smiles as does Gabriella

"Well the more help, the better..but I'll catch you guys later" Ryan says and I smile as I watch him run off

"Baby we're on for a date night with Sharpay tonight so I will see you...when we get off" I say as I kiss Gabriella and she smiles at me

"Ok...don't flake on me please" She says and I give her a smile before heading off with Troy wrapping his arm around me

We walk into the kitchen and are met with Zeke as we grab out plates

"Hey Morris'd it go with the RedHawks" He asks and I can tell he's still pissed

"Oh you know....there very tall" I say as we get food from the cooks, I thank them and move through the kitchen with Troy

"We gotta practice ball today, work on our shots" Zeke says as she walk away

"Well Tony's got a date so...maybe I can play with you guys later" Troy says as we sit in front of Chad who looks at us annoyed

"I don't know...check with Vince" Chad says harshly causing me to look at him curiously

"Well he set up the work out not me" I say as I start to eat

"Did you even ask to include us...Captains" Chad says shocked and hurt

"Did you forget you had an opportunity to play with us when my girlfriend came to you about's not my fault you guys didn't take it then want it after you see us" I say angrily and Chad shake his head

"Do you not see how your girlfriend could be manipulating you with gifts and crap, not to mention your brother is probably helping... think about it get a spec of dirt in your pants and someone dry cleans it" Chad rants and I shake my head

"You'd say yes immediately to our opportunities if you had just let go of this beef the wildcats have with Sharpay just like she did...I'm not manipulating anyone, all I did was take an opportunity given to me and so did Tony" Troy says defensively

"You went from bullying your sister to being the perfect brother and you expect us to believe you when you say anything...after years of telling you to stop being an asshole" Chad says angrily as Troy and I move around the table to face him

"I'm tryin to make things right, like I've been honest since I talk to Toni about everything, about trying to mess with Toni's summer by being you guys here-

"Stop with that bs lie, Toni brought us here to have fun and you can't take credit for that!" Chad argues and I have had enough

"For god sakes I didn't want you guys to come here! Troy tricked you guys into coming here and ruining my summer with my I made the best of it...Troy apologized to me and I forgave him so sue me if I'm taking what Sharpay is giving me and forgiving Tory at the same time" I yell causing everyone to freeze

"Is that true Troy...." Chad says and Troy nods

"Cant believe both of you! We've all been close since preschool....I feel like I don't recognize either of you right now" He says and my face softens

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