Chapter Ten: Jealousy Jealousy

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Not proofread and totally meant to reference Olivia with the title lol

Toni's POV

Sharpay and I walk into this fancy restaurant that she insisted that we go too, I was ready to take her to an Italian restaurant but no..our first date has to be classy, her words not mine

"Sharpay you don't have to take us here and pay" I say as the waiter seats us, I pull out Sharpay's seat and she sits down, I push her in and I sit in my seat

"Toni it's ok, I asked you on this date didn't I, after this date then you can pay for our next one if it really bothers you that much" Sharpay says as she grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly

"Fine but I'm holding you to that....if there's a second" I say with a smirk, Sharpay rolls her eyes playfully as the waiter comes over and we order out drinks which were waters because we're underage

"So my cute basketball player, when the next game, I wanna know where I'm sitting to cheer you on" She says as I put a napkin on my lap and chuckle at her

"It's on Friday, and you my number 2 fan can sit next to my number one fan which is my mom of course" I say and Sharpay laughs a bit and I do the same

"Well I'm more than ready to support you and....maybe give you a treat after you win" She says and I smirk at what she's implying

"And what is that" I say leaning forwards causing her to do the same

"You'll have to win to find out" Sharpay says and I smile and nod before we both lean back, we continue to talk and joke mainly about the play and other things as well as getting to know each other and sharing stories

Like how Ryan freaked out about being in the boys locker room and calling it his gay awakening or when Sharpay nearly melted when she saw me again her words not mine

We order out food and talk more before our food arrives, we get the food and eat in a comfortable silence

We finish our food and start joke around after dessert when suddenly I look over and see my brother and Gabriella coming in and sitting two tables away from us

I feel that jealousy like I had earlier boiling up in me as I sit in my seat, I turn to Sharpay who is looking over with a face not too different from mine

I frown my eyebrows at her immediately, why does she looks jealous....does she still like Troy, I mean she asked me in a date, she could like us both and in that case I can't judge her but.....I want her to myself

"Hey ummm's almost 10 which is my curfew Umm can we go" Sharpay says and I just nod and get up, I leave a tip as Sharpay pays in cash before grabbing my hand and walking us out

As we walk past Gabriella's table we make eye contact, she looks at me with a look of shock and.....sadness as we walk past before she's out of my line of sight

The drive home was silent as we both think of what happened at the restaurant, I am at least thinking about it

I park the car and walk Sharpay to the door as she looks for her keys

"I had a great time tonight Toni....I hope to do it again" Sharpay says and I smile a bit

"I hope so too beautiful" I say, we look into each other's eyes for a minute before we both lean in when our lips finally meet in the middle

"Wow" We both says as we pull apart

"I hope we can do that more often" Sharpay says causing me to smile and nod

"We definitely should" I say before leaning in again, I smiles as I watch Sharpay enter her house and I head home to my car

I make it home and head straight upstairs since I missed dinner, I take my tie off and throw it somewhere before taking my jacket off along with my belt and shoes

I sigh in relief before lain g ack on my bed and closing my eyes

"Umm hey" I hear causing my eyes to shoot open and see Gabriella standing in my door way, I sit up and don't take in that my shirt is unbuttoned and I'm still kind of dressed up

"Oh hey...didn't know you were up" I say and she smiled shyly

"Yea....Umm can I borrow a shirt for the night....I don't wanna wake up Troy and well I heard you come in and I didn't wanna take one of yours without permission" She rambles causing me to laugh a bit and stand up, I hear her breath hitch as she takes in my appearance

"Yes you can borrow a shirt Gabriella, let me get you one" I say as I try to ignore the swell in my chest and stomach at the image of her in my shirt as well as the feeling in my...lower region

I go to my dresser and pick out a band tee of mine and hand it to her

"Here you go" I say

"Thanks Toni" Gabriella says smiling ear to ear, we stare at each other a bit, I take in what she's wearing and it's a nice formfitting black dress, it fits her curves so nicely and her hair is still done to perfection...she looks amazing and Sharpay did tonight

"Goodnight Toni" She says making me shake the sexual thoughts out of my head, I look up to see her smirkj g vaunt me to do the same

"Goodnight Gabriella look beautiful tonight" I say causing g her to blush and give a small thank you before leaving my room and closing the door, I smile and sit back in my bed

I go to take my pants off and realize that I'm hard as a rock

"Fuck...I hope she didn't see that" I say to myself as I take my pants off and rush to the bathroom

Gabriella's POV

"I totally just gave her a boner" I say to myself as I take my dress off and slip on the shirt Toni gave me, I smile and sniff it a little before resting in the bed with Troy who is knocked out cold, I face away from him and smile as I think of what it would be like to have Toni in bed with me

I can only dream

A/n ok I hope y'all know we're still in the two weeks before the play if that wasn't obvious enough and I'm just reminding you because I'm nervous that this is gonna be trailed on too long lmao


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