Chapter Twenty: Home Visit

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Toni's outfit

Toni's POV

I shoot the ball from the three point line as Zeke attempts to guard me, I smile as I watch it go through net and I run up court, Chad dribbles down to us as Troy attempts to guard him but Chad gets around him for the lay up

"Good work Chad...gotta keep up Troy" Jason says jokingly and Troy shakes him off

"If it weren't for me you wouldn't be here" Troy says causing me to look at him

"What do you mean, Toni got us a place to hang out, work and practice for next season" Jason says and I go to say something but Chad interjects

"Yea don't take credit for an awesome thing out leader did come in we got work to do before Toni has to report back to the wife" Chad says before passing Troy the ball

I sigh and look at Troy who looks down guiltily but I ignore him and just try and block his in bound pass which I do before laying it up and getting a high five from Chad

Our practice ends and I walk out after Chad, Zeke, Jason and the rest of the guys and tell them by as I drink some of my water

As I do I feel myself being pulled by my sweating shirt causing me to smile

"Baby I'm all sweaty- oh shit...Troy what do you want" I say as I go from whining to freaked out as I face Troy

"Dude...ok look I've done some thinking and really been reflecting on everything and I'm so sorry that I've been so terrible" Troy says and I look at him weirdly

"Are you being serious or are you just baiting me into a trap...again" I say annoyed and go to walk  away but Troy stops me

"Ive been jealous of you for a while now....especially since once we got to middle school you got better at basketball than me...more I used Dad to get to you..,and I'm sorry" Troy says and I look at him amused

"If you want forgiveness...earn it" I say before walking out of the gym
I work on the car with my Dad and Troy, Troy and I decided to go back home today to visit our parents which was for the best given that Gabriella is away at work for the science lady Clare and Sharpay is on a day trip with her parents

"So....Sharpay's dad is talking about scholarships I hear for you both going to U of A" Dad says and I sigh as I hold the flashlights for them as they fix whatever they are fixing

"Yea...kinda crazy" I say and Troy nods

"Kinda sweet of Sharpay to set this up for you Troy....have you considers apologizing to her and Gabriella" Out Father asks causing me to look at Troy

"Yea actually....I've been meaning to do that...hey Dad can I talk to Toni alone please" Troy says and I sigh as I turn through flashlight off and Dad leans up from the car

"Sure...but be in your best behavior, both of you" He says before leaving the garage, I turn to Troy who leans up from the car as well

"Look Toni....I've apologize about already but I want to prove to you that I mean it....with your permission, can I talk to your girlfriends and apologize...please" Troy asks and I let out a deep breath as I look at him

"Sure...l.but it's in they're terms not know you really fucked up a lot with me Troy....your my twin....and you just trashed me every since middle school when I changed my name to Antoinette" I say angrily and Troy looks down at his hands

"I know.....I'm sorry....I can only make it up to you now and not be such a crappy brother to you....maybe dad was right about us spending time together because with us going to college soon and just....Sharpay having mercy on me I just realized how stupid I've been" Troy starts and I keep listening

"I had the greatest came back...I got insecure then cheated with another amazing girl just to get back at you...a girl i knew liked me for a while and was just desperate in the moment..her words not mine.....and that's just the stuff now" He continues

"I started becoming jealous of you when you went from Antoinette....and Mom giving you praise all the starts playing basketball because of Dad like me and you were better from day one....I lost myself in being jealous of you that I fucked up my bond with you...and hurt you....I regret it everyday now" Troy finishes and I look at him with a bit of sympathy and pity

"Thanks for telling me that.....I never knew that this was going on but you should have told me...I would have supported you especially since your great at basketball too...your singing is amazing Troy and.....while I am not forgiving you right now" I start and Troy nods as I see him a little disappointed

"I can in the future...just give me time and reason to want to trust you and forgive o said you have to earn it back" I say and Troy nods, the garage door opens and our father walks in

"Everything good out here" He asks and Troy and I nod

"Yea....just had a nice talk" I say and Troy smile to me a little before going back to the car and I turn the flashlight back on for them

Troy and I start talking about how Sharpay is helping the team get opportunities but they kept denying them

"Once you graduate, there going to be people who want the same thing as you and there's noting wrong with keeping your eyes in the prize, in fact if you don't you'll get left behind" Dad says and I sigh

"Well Dad I don't wanna see my teammates bussing tables that I'm at while I'm advancing ahead of them...I got the most college letters out the whole team and I- I feel guilty for just having them wait on me while I go further" I say

"Yea I mean....we all want to win together" Troy agrees

"Well....sometimes you wanna win more than others want too....and I mean you'll see that a lot especially when you try to help out people in any way..and they don't want the just have to move on without them" Our Dad says and I sigh sadly

"When you earn the don't wait to take just take it....Now I want you take this on a joy ride" Dad says before tossing us the keys

"No way....Really!" I say excitedly as Troy smiles too

" thought I was gonna drive this hunk of junk" Our dad says and we both smile and rush to the the drivers seat and fight over who's driving first

This feels good....I missed this

A/n damn.....Mr.Bolton sayin facts lowkey


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