Chapter Eight: Caught

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Toni's POV

I walk into school with Troy and my dad, it's been a only two days since Chad told me that Troy wasn't with him and I've been on the edge of my seat about it so I've been watching Troy

I watched him talk to all the girls that flirt with him on a daily basis as well as watch him talk to other girls he's friends with outside of his core one and still nothing, not hints, no weird looks, nothing but purely talking and nothing else

I walk into Ms.Darbus's class and sit down feeling defeated in my mission to see what the hell that night was about, I mean it's a bit nosey of me lurk around him but if he's cheating in Gabriella then I wanna know

"Hey cutie" I hear above, I look up to see Sharpay looking at me flirtatiously causing me to smile a bit

"Hey Sharpay, ready for today" I say as she sits down next to me

"Im always ready" She says suggestively, I smile and look away as a blush comes up in my face, she's been flirting a lot lately ever since the game

"Well that's good, never know when you need to do something" I flirt right back, I see a blush creep up on her cheeks as she tries to hide it and keep her flirty demeanor

"Your right never know" She says as she moves closer to me and grabs my hand and puts her other hand on my thigh, I smirk and look into her eyes as she does the same to me, I move my hand to her neck and run my thumb along the hairs in her neck making her shiver

Suddenly her eyes shift to the front of the class and her smile drops causing me to frown my eyebrows and look over to see my brother walking past, he looks at Sharpay with a grin before quickly looking away and sitting down beside me

I look at Sharpay who's demeanor has changed drastically

"Are you ok Sharpay" I say causing her head to shoot up, she gives me a weak smile and nods

"Just peachy Toni" She says as the bell rings, she kisses me on the cheek before going over to her seat and sitting down

I keep staring at her and my eyes trail to her neck and my eyes go wide instantly

I see a red and purple hickey on her neck that's not all the way covered with makeup, I look at my hand to see that I have some make up on it, I nervously look away and wipe the makeup on my gym bag before paying attention to Ms.Darbus but my mind is racing

Sharpay and Troy hooked up.....

Gabriella's POV (two days later)

I walk to my locker and open it before getting out my script and shutting my locker to see Sharpay standing there

"Hey Sharpay" I say excitedly

"Hey Gabriella......can we talk" Sharpay says nervously as she messes with her bracelets, she looks so....cute when's she's nervously, wait what

"Sure what's up" I say concerned

"Well um - Hey baby" Sharpay goes to say something but soon Troy interrupts her as he walks over and puts his arm around my shoulder

"Oh hey" I say, he goes for a kiss but I dodge him and his lips touch my cheek

"Hey Sharpay" Troy says happily as he looks her up and down, Sharpay shifts uncomfortably as do I

"Hi Troy......I'll see you later Gabriella" She says and before I can say anything she's gone off around the corner causing me to sigh

"What was that about" Troy says as we walk off the opposite direction

"Nothing....she just wanted to tell me something but I guess she changed her mind" I say as my mind starts racing, what did she wanna tell me and why couldn't she say it in front of Troy

" d-do you have any idea what if could be" Troy says with a stutter, I shake my head and stay silent as we walk down the hallway, as we do I see Toni talking to some girls

I feel  y anger build up as I see them touching her arm and caressing her shoulder as she smiles and laughs at what's their saying, they can't be that funny

I turn away was we walk further away, I can't be jealous and I can't think this way.......I have Troy and I can't go back to that phase

Toni's POV

I shoot my shot again causing it to land in the basket, I've been outside for hours with my dad practicing.......after practice

"Go further back, show me some moves then shoot" He says another command, I sigh and do as he says

I move back and dribble the ball back and forth between my hands  and do an ankle breaker moved before shooting a fade away and making it into the hoop, I let out a large breath as I wipe the sweat off my forehead and watch the ball bounce into the grass

"Greta work today champ" My dad says and he pays me on the back and hands me a water, he goes to walk inside but I stop him

"Dad wait" I say slightly out of breath, I ran around the neighborhood with him too might I add

"What's up Toni" He says walking over to me

"Why are you pushing me so hard" I say curiously

"Because I believe in you.....Toni you are gifted athletically and artistically but I'll admit, I only know the athletic part and I support you all the way but.......I believe you could make it to the NBA or even the WNBA" He says encouragingly

"But what if basketball isn't want I wanna do" I say, I'm not saying that I wouldn't want to play basketball professionally but I have a deep love for theater

"You don't have too..whatever you wanna do I'll support but I'm training and pushing you just in case you decide too because something tells me you don't know yet" He says and I sigh and put my head down

"No....I don't" I say and he gives me a small smile and pays my shoulder before pulling me into a hug

"Your going to be great at whatever you do......just do what you feel is right" He says and I can't help but feel that this applies with my dating life......more like my difficulty deciding on who I like and Troy

"Thanks dad" I say, we pull away and he ruffles my hair before dragging me into the house

Little did I know that not only was I being watched, two girls were struggling with the same thing I was

A/n ok soooo I updated this and I'm happy to finally have updated, I have notes on what the chapter will be on almost every story so it makes it earlier to update so yea


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