Chapter Thirteen:Fights

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Not proofread, I didn't have a picture to put so here's Ariana Grande

Toni's POV

I walk into the house with my parents as we laugh about the play, my dad couldn't stop laughing at the death scene because of the face I made to make the audience laugh a little

"You really sold the death scene Toni, then the face you made with your tongue out" My dad says as he continues to laugh and I do the same

"Other than your goofiness being the highlight of our lives and night....we're so proud of you both, you guys did great out there" My mom says to Troy and I as Troy walks in looking very upset

"Thanks mom and hey who was that, that came up to you guys with Ms.Darbus" I say confused, they look in between each other before looking at me

"Someone we used to go to school with" My mother says and I nod, we wish each other goodbye before heading off to bed, I walk into my room and I hear footsteps trailing me

"I can't believe you" Troy says causing me to look at him with a bored expression

"Can't believe what Troy" I say acting dumb

"Don't play dumb with me, you stole my girlfriend....turned Sharpay on role in the play and now....your just gonna go past me and not apologize" Troy says getting progressively louder and angrier

"Are you forgetting that you cheated on Gabriella with Sharpay who you knew I liked first and no I didn't steal anyone from lost them" I say angrily, I understand what I did is kinda underhanded but he was gonna lose her anyway

"So what...I could have told Gabriella it was a mistake and we could have moved on but had to get in the way, what are you gonna do next...take Dad away from me" He says and I jus shake my head at him

"Your one spoiled little brat" I say when suddenly I feel a fist connect with my cheek causing me to go off balance for a minute

I look at Troy who's waving his hand in pain and I immediately see red

"You shouldn't have done that" I say before tackling him to the ground, we start punching each other repeatedly, he throws me off of him but I land another punch before he gets on top of me and starts hitting me

"Hey! Hey! Get off your sister, both of you knock it off!" Our father yells as he grabs Troy and hold him back as I get up and go after Troy

"What is the meaning of this" Our father says angrily

"She's taken everything from me dad, your attention, Gabriella, My role in the play....I needed to knock her down peg I mean she's doing this to get back at me for being the favorite" Troy rants causing em ti laugh

"You are so full of yourself I-" I go to say more but my father cuts me off

"Enough! Troy....You need to understand that your sister is your sisters and I love her as much as I love you, no favoritism anymore and I made a mistake doing that because not only did it hurt Toni, it stunted your growth so cut that out now and treat your sister with respect" Our dad says and Troy just nods

"And you Antoinette......what exactly does Troy mean by you stole Gabriella and the role in the play" My father says turning to me now but much calmer

"He cheated on Gabriella and I liked her....I'm kinda dating Sharpay and Gabriella at the same time...but they know and they are dating each other too" I say quickly, my father looks at me confused

"Ok......we'll talk about that later but it sounds like..Troy you didn't deserve her anymore....and I'm guessing from the lack of credibility Troy has...the play wasn't fixed against him" My father says

"Yea....I earned it" I say and our father sighs

" guys need to repair your relationship...starting this coming in summer" Our father says sternly but I can tell he has some kind of plan

I look at Troy who looks at me just as confused and irritated

Oh god

A/n well some shot is gonna be goon on lmao, this is the end of High school musical 1


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