Chapter Fourteen: Summer

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Time skip to the end of the year

Toni's POV

I smile as the clock tics on the school year, this year has been amazing but things aren't gonna remain like that

I look back at Gabriella who looks at me with a flirty smile before looking to Sharpay who gives me one back and blows a kiss, I give both of them one back before looking forward

"Summer fun is coming Boltons" Chad says to both Troy and i who look at each other with straight faces, our parents are making us spend every waking moment with each other this summer...including basketball workouts

I only get free time is when I go on dates with Gabriella and Sharpay

As I tune Ms.Darbus's rant out I start to hear chants for summer coming from behind me, I look around and so does Troy when suddenly the bell goes off and papers go flying

I smile as I get my bag and walk over to my girls who kiss both of my cheeks before kissing each other

"Summer time fun time with us...and your brother" Sharpay says with a smile before rolling her eyes

"Well if I come with you to the country club...he won't be with us since he has training to do..well Gabriella and I have to work" I say scratching the back of my head

"Right...Parents still bugging you about college money" Gabriella says as we all walk out holding hands, I look over and see Chad and Taylor looking at us as well as Ryan

"Well you both wont have to worry...I have gotten you two a job at the country club and you'll be able to meet my family Gabriella" Sharpay says causing me to smile as we get to her locker

"Thank you really don't have to do this for me" I say but Sharpay kisses me before smiling at me

"Nonsense, you both are important to me so I'm taking care of you both...speaking of...Gabriella...Toni...I got you both a present" Sharpay says causing Gabriella and i to look at each other

"Sharpay your spoiling us" Gabriella says as Sharpay walks behind her and wraps a necklace with the letters T and S on them

"T and S for Sharpay and Toni" Gabriella gushes and I blush a little

"Exactly and a dear and duck down for me" Sharpay says causing me to smile and I bend down a bit and move my hair out of the way

Sharpay puts the necklace on me and I look down to see G and S causing me to smile

"And I got myself one....we're all here together and I want kisses from you both" Sharpay says as she puts her own on causing us to laugh, Gabriella kisses her first then I kiss her next

I look over and see a kid holding a yearbook open causing me to smile

"Hey" I say as I sign the yearbook and he runs off smiling hard, I look at my girls and I kiss Gabriella before wrapping my arms around then and closing Sharpay's locker

"Let's head's almost time for brotherly basketball bonding" I say causing them to laugh

"Wait up threesome" Ryan says running after us

"Someone hears that out of context, we're screwed" I say to Ryan who rolls his eyes as we walk out with all the other kids in school running out beside us

I run in the house hyped with Chad, Troy and Zeke

"That's what I'm talking about team, saw some moves we haven't seen before" My father yells as he comes in with us

"What team" Chad yells

"Wildcats!" We all yell as we walk into the kitchen for some water, I get mine as my father looks at me expectingly

"So Toni....what are you doing this summer beside training" Chad asks

"Yea gonna chill with your girlfriend...or girlfriends I should say" Zeke says causing me to blush a little

"Aww look at that" Chad says laughing and I wave him off

"For your information yes I am, plan on going to Sharpay's family country club to hang out and work for the summer" I say causing my father to perk up and look at me

Oh no

"That's great, you can take Troy" He says causing me to shake my head

"Dad no...please" I say begging and Troy smirks

"I'll call Sharpay's dad and you tell the girls...this is great since Troy can just train there" He says before leaving and I sigh heavily

"Uh ohhhhhh" Zeke says before laughing and I smack the ball out his hands humorous and he tries to get it back as Chad chimes in

We hear someone clear their throat causing us to look up and see my mother standing there

"Care to put that energy into getting the groceries" She says as she puts her hand out for the ball

"Yes Mrs.Bolton" We all say and I give my mom the ball and she kisses my cheek before we all walk out to the car do I explain this to Gabriella and Sharpay

"I was so excited to get away from Troy this summer, after the play he won't stop staring at us" Gabriella says as she plays with my fingers in the back of Sharpay's car

"Yea and he won't stop trying to flirts with me" Sharpay says causing me to sigh

"Babes I know....I wish I didn't have to bring him but on the bright side we all share a room and it'll be ok we just need to focus on us and working" I say before kissing both their cheeks

"Hey what about me" Ryan says causing me to roll my eyes and kiss his cheek causing him to blush

"Hey Ryan...anyone catch your eye this year" I ask, I never hang with Ryan anymore since I'm dating his sister, I need to change that

"No unfortunately but I've been getting better at my singing and performing which has helped me" He says causing me to roll my eyes

"You've always been good Ry....but if your up for it I can try and hook you up with someone this summer" I say and he smiles and blushes a bit

"Fine...he has to be cute though, no uglies" He says causing us to laugh, we all jam out to music before arriving to the country club to be greeted with who i now know is Charles

"Welcome back Fulton" Sharpay says as we walk in and I wave to the guys as Sharpay talks to Fulton about the lava springs talent show

I smile as I watch her talk to this Fulton guy

"The staffing matter we discussed" Sharpay says causing Fulton to look at Gabriella and I

" two will be in the kitchen" He says pointing to Gabriella and I

"Thank you Mr. Fulton" I say shaking his hand and Gabriella does the same

"A pleasure, now let's show you around" He says before leading the way, Gabriella and I both kiss Sharpay passionately before walking with her

"Ryan come on" I yell causing him to put the star dazzle award down and run after us

Can't wait to spend my summer here with my girls and Ryan...and Troy

A/n ok well this is starting to cook up, love it already and I'm so happy about this unit of the story


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