Chapter Twenty-Four: Running Errands

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Toni's POV

I run up the court with Troy by my side, I look to him and see he's heavily guarded, I sigh and look to my defender and smirk

I go to rush past him but stop causing him to stumble before I shoot the three and smile as it goes in

"Oh so it's like that....gotta do that more to win Bolton" One of the guys says and I smile as we jog up the court

"I'm up for the challenge" I say cockily and he nods, I go to guards him as he starts doing some complicated dribbles to mess with me, I laugh and let my guard down but as I do....

He drives to the basket and makes the score now 11 to 25

"Never let your guard down Bolton" He says and I nod as Troy passes me through ball, I dribble down the court slowly as the same guy guards me on the play

I carefully dribble like I'm taking my time, I see him watching me intently causing me to smile

"Come on Bolton....shoot the shot I dare you" The guy says cockily as he stands up from his defensive position a little

I take this opportunity to look to Troy who nods, I look back to the guy and he waves his arms at me jokingly

"Come on young it" He says and I nod before driving to the basket when he's least expecting

I lob the ball up and Troy dunks it on the guys head, I smirk and do Troy and i's hold handshake with him, I look at him shocked that he remembers it and he does the same

"Alright twin flame....y'all got me now let's play some more" The guy says and I laugh before jogging up the court

I look to the stands and see my father and Mr.Evans talking as well as some recruiters taking notes causing me to smile then lock in

We continue playing and I move the ball around to my other teammates as well as Troy, it feels great to play with him again

Maybe dad had the right idea making him come here

I rush to the car I called and get in swiftly, I'm late for the baseball game and I am not about to break another promise to Gabriella, Troy decided to get some more reps in with the guys

"Next stop to Lava springs" The driver says and I nod, I look out the window and try to pass the time which works because now I'm outside the game in no time

"Thanks man" I say before rushing out and running to the field, I run to the bench and dap up some of the guys before quickly changing into my uniform

"Made it superstar" Jason says sarcastically and I sigh

"Don't start....My girl offered you guys opportunities and you rejected them" I say angrily as I watch the game

I see Ryan pitching causing me to smile a bit, he sees me and smiles which I return

"Well we don't want handouts, unlike know why did you bring us here" Jason asks and I sigh in annoyance

"Like I've been saying for days, I didn't bring you guys here...Troy did" I say and he waves me off

"Stop throwing it to him...he and Sharpay wouldn't have a connection at all since your dating she hates us" Zeke butts in and I look at him

"She doesn't...not anymore at least...she's dating a wildcat, she has no choice but to like you guys she's trying so give her a chance" I say and Zeke kisses his teeth at me

"Please...she abandoned her brother for you guys...I don't trust her at all" He says when suddenly I see Chad running to us

"You came....kinda surprised" He says and roll my eyes

"I'm let's play as a team" I say and he laughs

"Now you do.....when we ask you to hang out and practice with us, it's no or your grumbling the whole time about being with your girls but when Gabriella tells you too.. you do it" Chad argues and I rub my temple angrily

"I'm not about to argue with you about this...let's just play ball" I say before running to the field

I look to the crowd and smile when I see Gabriella and wink causing her to smile and wave flirtatiously

We keep playing and our team wins and i jumps with the guys as we celebrate the win together, i look over to Ryan who's walking away sadly

"Hey Evans, I'm not saying I'm gonna dance at the show...but if I did.....what would you have me do" Chad says catching me off guard

"Your in good hands Chad....he's the best" I say, Ryan looks back and smiles before walking off as the crowd continues to cheer

We all head over to the hot dog truck and I immediately devour a hot dog or two, I'm starving from running all day and I need some rest with just my girls

"So you actually made it...minus the twin" Taylor says as her and Gabriella walk up to me

"Yes I did...tired but...couldn't break another promise" I say and Gabriella smiles and pulls me into a kiss

"Thank you...also....can you help Ryan with the show for the staff please....Sharpay is not doing it with him this year" Gabriella says and I sigh heavily

"Sure but...we have to get practice too...Kelsey completed it so we're good to sing" I say when suddenly I feel strong arms wrap around my shoulder from behind

"Thank you..thank you..thank you" Ryan says excitedly causing me to smile as everyone laughs at us

I'm not breaking my promise ever

A/n well damn, Toni really did it, but at what cost lol


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