Chapter 2: East Highs Newest

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Tony's POV

I wake up to my alarm blaring and the sun burning my eyes, I smack my alarm clock which shuts it up instantly and get up

I get dressed in some black jeans with a white shirt and Jordan 1's paired with my leather jacket

I spray in some cologne and go downstairs sliding down the railing and jumping off before heading to the kitchen to see my parents talking

"Morning sweetheart, you ready for your first day" my mom says as she hands me a bowl of my favorite fruits

"Yea kinda nervous but not at the same time" I say eating my fruit

"Well East high has a great theater program and athletic program so you'll be fine....Tony" my father says causing my head to shoot you in surprise

"Tony can we talk in private please" He says grabbing his coffee and walking out of the kitchen to his office

I follow him but not before looking at my mom confused, I get to his office and close the door and look at him skeptically

"Look Tony.....I haven't been the best father to you, mainly because I was disappointed when you were born......I thought we were having twin boys and I made a whole plan then when you grew up and we found out you were a crushed me" my dad says honestly

"Well thank you for being blunt about me being a disappointment" I say as I go to leave but he stops me

"I don't sugar coat with you Tony you know that, I only do that with your brother because sometimes he can't handle the truth but you can, but I know my wrong doing in your life and I'm willing to fix it" he says letting go of me

I turn to him and look at him perplexed and skeptical, what changed his mind so fast

"What convinced you to do this" I say suspiciously

"Your mother gave me a very stern lecture about how I treat you and it finally hit me that I need to treat you better, I love you but I was so set on what I wanted that I didn't focus on what you wanted and for that I'm sorry Tony" he says sincerely

I smile and hug him, he hugs me back and sighs as I do the same, I never wanted to admit it but I missed having my dad there for me and I'm happy he recognized it

"I forgive you but don't tell Troy, he's still in his competitive mood with me" I say, my dad nods and pats me on my shoulder as we walk out smiling

We see my mom outside the door smiling at us and looking proud

"Well I'm happy you two made up because this was not gonna last" she says pointing towards us, we smile and kiss her cheek as Troy comes down from his room

"Ready dad" Troy says hugging our mom and getting his bags, I do the same as our father nods and ushers us out

We say bye to mom and get in, I get in the front while Troy gets in the back, during the drive dad and I pretend to have tension, cracking at some points because of the fake glares

We roll up to the school and get out, I get my schedule out of my bag and walk in, suddenly I bump into someone and immediately go to apologize but I'm struck by her beauty

Her blonde curls with her shimmering and perfectly put together outfit and stunning make up that makes her look movie star ready

"Umm hello, aren't you going to apologize and stop staring at me" the girl says as she knocks me out of my daydream

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you and well....stare" I say with a bit of nerves in my voice

"Well I don't blame you for staring and as for bumping into me, don't do it again" she says as she waltz past me

I stare at her as she walks away but suddenly I see an boy with the same feature pop up in front of me

"I'm sorry about my sister, she's always like this" he says apologetically

"What's her name" I say finally looking at him

"Oh well she's Sharpay and I'm Ryan, we're twins, what's your name" Ryan says putting his hand out

"Tony Bolton I'm a twin too and by the last name you can tell that I'm-"

"Troy Bolton's twin sister, huh I never knew he had a twin" Ryan says causing me to nod and shrug my shoulders

"Yea well let's just say he's a terrible brother but hey he's my twin but can you show me where Ms. Darbus room is" I say showing him my schedule

"Oh we have the same class, come with me" Ryan's says he motions for me to follow him

We make it to Ms.Darbus class and knock on the door causing the whole class to look at us including who I assume is her

"I don't not like lateness Ryan you know this and who is the person beside you" and.Darbus says

"Oh this is Tony, she's new here and I was showing her where the class is" Ryan says as we walk in, I look over to see the whole class looking at me but then I spot Sharpay and my face lights up

"Welcome to East high Tony......" Ms.Darbus trails off

"Bolton" I say filling in the blank

"Oh so we have another Bolton in our class, a twin maybe because darling you look just like your brother" Ms.Darbus says pointing to none other than my twin who is desperately trying to hide his face

"Yes I'm his twin sister" I say with a smirk causing him to sit up and sigh heavily and the girl behind him to look at him suspiciously

"Well Tony find a seat and I will catch you up on our Musical" She says pointing to an empty seat next to my Twin

I smirk a bit and sit down next to him as he avoids eye contact with me, I look at the girl behind him and she smiles toward me nervously and waves

I wave back and pay attention to the front as Ms. Darbus teaches

This is going to be an interesting first day

A/n well damn, Troys a dick in this story if you haven't been able to tell and well yea so......


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