Chapter Thrity: Star Dazzle

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Toni's POV

I do vocal warmups as I stand near the curtain as Fulton introduces us, I walk out with my mic as the piano starts and I smile to the crowd

Suddenly I notice it's a different song causing me to frown but I fix my face , this is the other song Sharpay wrote, why is Kelsey playing this song

🎶"Once in a lifetime
Means there's no second chance
So I believe that you and me
Should grab it while we can"🎶

I smile and look at my parents before looking over at Sharpay as she comes out of the other side, I can tell she's just as confused about the song change

🎶"Make it last forever
And never give it back"🎶

I go to sing but a familiar voice comes out of nowhere and I look at Sharpay confused

🎶"It's our turn, and I'm loving' where we're at"🎶

I look around till my eyes meet her front and I see our friends and my brother smiling at me before the spotlight makes its way to them and they move to reveal Gabriella as she sings towards us

Gabriella and Tony
🎶"Because this moment's really all we have"🎶

I smile and look at Sharpay who looks just as happy to see our girl walking towards us

Tony, Gabriella and then Sharpy
Of our lives,
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith

Gabriella walks towards us and Sharpay and I put our hands out and she takes Sharpay's and kisses my cheek causing me to smile

Toni, Gabriella then Sharpay
🎶"From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we
Will celebrate,

Sharpay, Toni the. Gabriella
🎶"Oh, everyday.
They say that you should follow
And chase down what you dream,
But if you get lost and lose yourself
What does is really mean?
No matter where we're going,
It starts from where we are.
There's more to life when we listen to our hearts"

I dance subtly behind my girls as we strut across the stage, I pull Gabriella close as I sing to her then move my body close to Sharpay as she sings to Gabriella and I

Gabriella, Sharpay then Tony
🎶"And because of you, I've got the strength to start
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Of our lives,
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith.

I spin my girls around at the same time before singing my part in the song as Gabriella and Sharpay walking toward me with wide smiles on their faces

Toni, Gabriella then Sharpay
🎶"From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we
Will celebrate,
Oh, everyday
We're taking it back,
We're doing it here
It's better like that,
And stronger now
Than ever!"🎶

I spin and pull my girls close to me at the same time as we smile at each other lovingly and step to the music

Sharpay and Gabriella only
🎶"From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we
Will celebrate,
Oh, everyday
We're taking it back,
We're doing it here
It's better like that,
And stronger now
Than ever!"🎶

I watch my girls embrace and Sharpay caresses Gabriella's face as they stare into each other's eyes before looking to me and smiling as they pull me in

Toni and Gabriella only
Of our lives,
Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.
Gonna run
While we're young
And keep the faith
From right now,
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we
Will celebrate,"🎶

I look over as the wildcats join in and I smile as I pull my girls close and sing and dance with everyone, I detach from my girls and hug Ryan and Chad as Troy wraps his arms around me happily

Wildcats, Toni, Gabriella and Sharpay
Live every day!
Love everyday!
Live everyday!
Love everyday!

I look at the audience as I bow with everyone and smile, I look at my girls and bring them close to me and we kiss each other

"Fabulous...just, if you all please take your seats....I have one last task to perfume this evening...the star dazzle for this year, goes to..of course, our one and only-

"Ryan Evans" Sharpay says causing everyone to cheer, I smile as Sharpay takes the award and gives it to Ryan as he looks at us shocked before hugging his sister

We all cheer him on, I pull my girls aside and smile at Gabriella

"We're so happy your back....look I'm sorry for ever making you feel like-

"No no....I'm sorry, I knew you had good intentions and I mean...I guess I'm not used to being spoiled" Gabriella says and Sharpay sighs

"No I'm sorry....I should have asked you how you wanted your summer to go, I still would have given you opportunities but....not to overwhelm you, I'm sorry baby" Sharpay says and I smile

"I'm sorry too.....our time was sacred to us and...things didn't go as planned" I say and Gabriella pulls Sharpay and i into a kiss

"No apologies needed, thank you two for...just being you" Gabriella says and Shapay and I smile at each other before looking at Gabriella

"We love you" We say at the same time causing Gabriella to look at us shocked

"I...I love you too...both of you" She says and I smile and pull them into a hug and kiss there foreheads

My girls....I love my girls

"Well my loves, I am going to go talk to my brother I'll be right back" Sharpay says and we nod, she walks off and I smirk as I look from her to Gabriella

"What are you have that look" Gabriella says and I smile

"I know a way we can....return the favor for Sharpay" I say and Gabriella smiles and blushes

"Baby....uh are we sure she's ready for that...I....I'm ready but I-

"Woah baby uh....I'm ready too but that's not what I was talking about" I say and Gabriella blushes even more

"Oh....what we're you uh..talking about" She asks and I smile

"Those reps at that table over there....they're theater school reps....let's go and....introduce them to Sharpay and her...abilities" I say and Gabriella smiles widely, we make our way over to them and start talking to them about Sharpay and the show as well as the songs she wrote

Our girl is gonna get spoiled too, no matter the cost

A/n awwwwwww, I deadass wanted to end the second movie on this chapter but it would be wayyyy to long so I can't unfortunately


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