Chapter Thirty-Three: Senior....year

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Toni's POV

I laugh as I watch my brother and Chad push Troy's truck to the front of the house, I shake my head as I've told him to fix the issue of it breaking down but he said he wanted to save his money

"Shouldn't you help him" Gabriella asks while laughing

"Nah...they look like they got it" I say laugh as I open the door for my girls, they get out and I close the door before wrapping my arm around both of them

"You guys need help" I tease and Chad glares at me along with my brother, I put my hands up in defense as they follow us into our house

"You know you could have helped us" Chad grumbles

"She wanted to make out with her girls instead though" Troy says and I roll my eyes playfully

"Don't be mad you don't got any girls right now" I say and he scoffs playfully

"I'll have you know....I'll get a girl soon" Troy says causing us all to laugh as we enter the backyard

I greet everyone and get a drink for my girls, as I come back I run into rocket kid and thankfully don't spill two drinks on him or I

"Oh sorry Tony...thanks for giving me the last shot.....hey can I wear your number next season...I wanna be known as the next Toni Bolton" He says and I laugh a little

"No can's gonna be retired got the talent to be my successor...just don't blow it" I say and walk away as he shouts his praises at me

"Who is that kid" Sharpay ask, I turn and see Rocket Kid giving Sharpay flirty eyes, I glare at him and he immediately moves and falls off the trampoline

"My successor....but uh here...god I'm nervous...the season's over and now...I'm still-

"Yo dad needs us" Troy says coming out of nowhere, I look to my girls and they wave for us to go before going to dance together with Taylor joining them

"What does he want to talk about" I say as we walk over, I see Chad's dad along with some random guy next to our dad

"Oh god...please tell me that's not-

"It is" Troy says causing me to groan, we walk over and I fake a smile as Dad introduces us to the man

"Hey got three empty lockers at the U of A" Dad says cheerfully

"Hopefully not for long" The man says as he shakes our hands, I feel a pit form in my stomach as I think of everything again

Basketball....or acting...or theater

"Hey bet...Charlie Danforth will suit up for you next season" My Dad tease Chads dad

"Front row seats next season will be fine" Mr.Danforth clarifies causing me to laugh a little but I try and ignore the nerves I'm getting

"You feeling ok?" Troy asks me and I just smile and nod but I can tell he doesn't believe me though

"I'll tell ya...the teamwork I saw out of you guys tonight..that assist where you gave up the final shot....that's the kind of players I'm looking for huh...hey, we're gonna see you three in red hawk uniforms next year Huh..right?" The Man says and I agree with the guys but awkwardly as I shake the man's hand

I walk away as I try to find my girls, I'm in need of some air and some hugs right now, I see them dancing with Taylor and some of the decathlon team Gabriella is apart of

"Hey ok..,you look sick" Sharpay asks as she spots me walking up to them, I shake my head and my girls as well as Taylor ask me what's wrong as they rub my back

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