Chapter Fifteen: Here comes Trouble

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Toni's POV

I walk to the pool with Sharpay as her minions start asking her questions, I smile and lay next to Sharpay before looking to Ryan and pointing to the life guard that just left

"What about him...he's..cute I guess and has an accent" I say and Ryan smiles a little but shakes his head

"I don't know, he's not giving me a vibe that he likes men" He says and I laugh a little as I look to the life guard station and see Gabriella being briefed on things, she decided to do lifeguarding instead of the kitchen

"Well I got my eyes on that lifeguard right there" I say as I wink at Gabriella who smiles and looks away

"Whatever, I'm just trying to have fun this summer and not have to deal with stupid last year drama" He says and I nod in agreement as I take a drink from the guys serving

I look to my my very pink girlfriend as she basks in the sun, I see her get up as she heads to the pool

"Let's go for a dip babygirl" I say as I pick her up causing her to scream and I laugh as I grab her precious floaty and throw it in the pool before setting her in it

"You scared me there baby.. but get that shirt off" She says and I laugh and take my now wet shirt off cause Sharpay to bite her lip

"Perfect" She says before leaning down and kissing me passionately and I immediately kiss back

"Hey, no making out without me" We hear causing us to pull away and see Gabriella standing in the edge of the pool, I smile and swim over to her

"How could we forget you my princess" I say before pushing up out of the pool and kissing Gabriella just as passionately

"Thank you" She says once we pull away

"I wish you could have fun with us baby...please just let me pay for things" Sharpay whines as she floats over to us

"No Sharpay...I will get the money myself but I can at least have fun with my two favorite people before I have to become busy" Gabriella says as she leans down and kisses Sharpay

"Fine...but I will help in some ways" Sharpay says and Gabriella rolls her eyes, I smile at them before looking over to Ryan and see him flirting with the life guard from earlier

I go to look away when suddenly I see my brother walk through the gates I sigh irritatedly when suddenly I see the rest of the wildcats walks through with him

"What the fuck" I say as I jump out of the pool

"How did they get invited...Toni I thought you said only Troy was coming" Gabriella says confused

"I did...he must have invited them" I say, I look over to see Sharpay is fuming

"Hey girls....Toni" Troy says as she walks towards us confidently, Chad daps me up as do the rest of the team before departing off to do god knows what

I love my team but I was really looking forward to a summer without everyone but nope, Troy had to invite basically everyone

"Troy why is the whole basketball team and basically the rest of the student body here" I say angrily as I feel Sharpay grab my arm

"Oh them...I just invited them since well....I wanted too...Dad said we should train anyway so why not train with the whole team" He says but I can tell he's doing this to try and fuck with me

Dad did say we should train this summer but he never said to invite the whole team with me, Dad understood I'd be here for my girls primarily

"Troy fuck off, we don't need you messing with us" Gabriella says and Troy smirks

"Well too bad...did I mention I'm going to be working too...Fulton did mention that they were understaffed" He says and just before any of us can respond, Sharpay lets out a huge scream causing all of us to cover our ears

This summer is off to a bad start

A/n Troy is at it again with the bullshit but hey I mean...things will be interesting


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