Chapter Six: Oh Romeo

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Toni's POV

I walk into Ms.Darbus's class nervously as I look around at everyone in the classroom, they all are talking about the roles they tried out for and to see which Bolton twin is the Romeo and which theater princess is going to be Juliet

I sit down at my seat and put my basketball bag down as I wait for Ms.Darbus to walk in, I look over to Gabrielle to see her talking with my brother, I smile at her as I see her laughing at something my brother said

I look back over to see Sharpay looking really jealous form across the room but she turns back to Ryan who looks nervous about his audition, the bell rings and Ms.Darbus walks in cashing me to straighten up

Yes I'm sure that I did a great job in my audition but I have been casted aside dir the class suck up before so I don't know if this will turn out the same way

"Ok class, let's jump right in, I have the casting list up in the hallway this afternoon for the whole school to see but I will pass out all of your scripts for the parts you will play" She says before picking up a big stack of scripts

She goes row by row and when she gets to mine Ms.Darbus smiles at me before handing me my script and going back down the line, I take a deep breath as I hold my script, ok moment of truth

I look down and a wide smile comes up on my face and I punch the arm excitedly as I read the front

Antoinette Bolton~ lead role: Romeo

I look around to see some people looking at their scripts excitedly but some looking at there sadly, I look over to Sharpay and see she's pissed off as she looks at her script, she looks at me and gives me a fake smile before turning back, I see Ryan rub her arm affectionately as he try's to comfort her

I give her a small smile, damn she didn't get the role as Juliet I wonder who did, I look over to see Troy glaring at me as Gabrielle looks down almost as if she was scolded for something

"Alright everyone, you all know your roles in the play now read up while I talk to the stage mangers and light crew, come up you all" She says as Kelsi, Taylor and others walk up to the front

I start going over my lines and memorizing as much as I can, we have a game tonight against a pretty good team so I have absolutely no time to prepare for anything else nor do my AP homework

"So did you get the part" I hear above me, I look up to see Gabrielle cashing me to smile

"Uh yea I did, I'm so happy I mean I've done this play before but I was Romeo's understudy" I say excitedly causing Gabrielle to giggle a bit, she's so cute

"Well looks like we'll be scene partners" She says happily, I look at her and smile

"You got Juliet" I say and she nods

"Congrats but are you sure Troy is ok with this" I say causing her smile to drop

"Well he'll have to be because I am not dropping this part at all" she says causing me to nod

The bell rings and I grab my stuff and put my script in my book bag before I walking out and talking to Gabrielle about our parts

"So do you wanna come over and practice with me after the game, I mean only if you want too" I say nervously causing her to stop me as we get to her next class

"Yes id love too, see you at the game Toni" She says before heading in, I smile and walk to my next class

I suit up for the game and start mentally preparing myself, this team is good from the film we watched and I need to remember some of the repeat I've moves they used in other games that got them to win

"Alright wildcats listen, this game is going to set the tone for the rest of the we have to be in the zone and that means you have to work as one unit alright! Don't let outside things cloud your focus....wildcats in 3" My dad says to the whole team

"1.....2...3..Wildcats" We yell and we walk out pumped up for the game, everyone goes ahead of me as I take deep breaths, I feel a hand grab my arm causing me to stop

I look to see an angry Troy as he throws me into the door

"I told you to stay away from Gabrielle" Troy says bitterly, I push him away from me as I glare at him

"It's not my fault that I got the part ok Troy, I'm still respecting your relationship so how about you chill out and get your head in the game" I say gritting my teeth, he's so full of himself that he doesn't realize how he's affecting others

I walk out in the court and grab a basketball and start shooting around with the other teammates, I talk to Chad a bit and I look in the stands to see Gabrielle and my mom sitting near each other

I wave to them but suddenly I look over to see Sharpay in the stands too, I wave to her and she sends a flirty wave back, I decided to tease her a bit and wink before taking my sweats off and my dad calls us over, her blush didn't go unnoticed by me though

Time skip

The game starts and so far we're getting out asses beat all because of Troy, he's missing open shots, he's not passing to me when I'm open so he's turned the ball over a lot and he's picking fights with me during the game and I'm on his fucking team

Coach Dad calls a timeout and we all run over to him and let's just say he's pissed

"Alright that's it, Troy your out the game, Danforth, Bolton you are both still on and are gonna lead us to victory" My Dad says

"Dad come on I can still play,freakazoid isn't ready yet" He says pointi to me causing my dad to slam his clipboard down, oh he's pissed

"See that's the attitude that's got you out of this game and maybe more since you've lost your team spirit, sit on the damn bench, and y'all go out there and get things going" He yells, Troy gives up and sits down on the bench, ha pussy

Our timeout is over and we start doing better in the game, I'm finally playing and so far the game is tied, I'm dribbling down the court and I look to see there's 10 seconds left, I quickly rush down the court and make it to the side right at the 3 point line

I step forward then back into a fade away, I release the hall just in time for the buzzer to go off, as if in slow motion the ball soars through the air before landing into the hoop

I jump up excitedly as my teammates sworm me and pick me up, I high five them and hug my mom and Gabrielle who run down from the stands, I look over to see Sharpay coming towards me

I excuse myself and walk over to her, she smiles and pulls me into a hug

"Congrats, you were great out there" She says sweetly

"Thank you, I didn't expect you to be here" I say, I mean I am kinda shocked that she's here

"Well I wanted to support you, I may not be your Juliet in the play but I will be in real life" She says before kissing my cheek and walking away

I watch her walk away with a smile, I watch her sway her hips as she exits the gym and I just shake my head and walk off to the locker room

She really is something

A/n yayyyyy I finally updated this story because it's been so long since I have, I mean I have been wanting too and it hasn't been on my mind but it's ok


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