Chapter Five: Shakespeare War

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Toni's POV

I walk into school and instantly head to my locker, I open my locker and get my books out but soon it would be closed by my twin brother as he looks at me angrily

"What do you want Troy" I say rolling my eyes

"I want you away from Gabriella" Troy says causing me to roll my eyes and walk away

"I'm literally just bonding with her, she is your girlfriend after all" I say as we approach the locker room

"Yea she's my girlfriend , not yours" Troy says as he makes his way to his locker

"Yea I'm aware of that dumbass now can you leave me alone" I say as I say as I finish putting my things away

I go to leave but suddenly I'm sung into the wall causing me to groan and look at Troy as he gets up in my face

"You better stay away from her, plus she wouldn't like freaks like you hanging around her" Troy says before pushing me further into the locker and walking out

I glare at him before walking out, I head to Ms.Darbus class and sit down as she starts talking about our roles in our musical and revealing what we're actually doing since tryouts are over

"Ok children, the musical will be......Romeo and Juliet" She says causing lots of girls to get excited and some of the guys to groan, I just stay neutral since I mean I've done this play before

"Now I will hold more auditions after school and it will be settled" Ms.Darbus says

I smile as I think of what role I'm going for this time around, I was the understudy of Romeo in my other school and I really want to be the lead in a play, especially if it's going to be a musical

Classes go by fats after that and I head into the cafeteria to see Gabrielle and Chad sitting at a table with a Taylor and some others from theater, Chad sees me and waves me over causing me to walk over but soon I'm blocked by Sharpay

"Hey Toni" She says in a sultry tone, I roll my eyes because she wasn't acting like this before

"Hi Sharpay, what do you want" I say causing her to look me up and down, oh lord

"Well I want you and I to be Romeo and Juliet in the play and in real life, minus the dying and daddy issues" She says causing me to laugh a bit (I was not a theater kid in high school so if that was wrong to say I'm sorry 🙃)

"Well I am auditioning for Romeo and I'm guessing your going for Juliet" I say dryly

"Well I'll see you at the auditions Romeo" Sharpay says before tapping my nose and walking off, I shake my head and sit down at the table with everyone

"What was that about" Gabrielle says almost angrily

"Just Sharpay being dramatic and asking if I was auditioning for Romeo so she can be my Juliet" I say dramatically causing Chad to laugh

"Well it looks like she finally moved on from Troy, you like her" He says eating his sandwich

"I don't think so, I mean she's confident and smart and talented but I haven't seen much interest" I say causing Taylor to look at Gabrielle who just puts her head down as my brother sits at the table

"Hey guys what's up" Troy says as he looks at everyone but me

"Toni over here got flirted with by Sharpay and is trying out for Romeo" Taylor says causing his smile to fall and him to look at me

"So....your going for Romeo" He says towards me in a harsh tone that's doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of the table

"Yea I am, problem?" I say looking at home in an intense gaze, if he's gonna big and bad in front of his friends then I can do the same

"Well I'm going for it too" he says eating his food

I just nod and lunch goes on like normal but a tense energy goes on between Troy and I with Gabrielle in the middle, getting increasingly uncomfortable

It's auditioning time and Troy us going first, I sit out in the hallway as I listen to him audition, he's good but he's lacking heart and well emotion which gives me an edge

"Nervous" I hear a female voice behind me, I turn around to see Sharpay

"No, I have an edge that I feel with put me over the top" I say causing her eyes to change dramatically

"Well I know you'll do great, just be yourself" She says sweetly as she touches my arm and heads to the dressing room

I smile as I watch her leave before hearing my name being called, I walk in to see Troy walking out and smirking at me as if he knows he has the role already

"Ok Ms.Bolton, show me your magic" Ms.Darbus says

I smile then look over to see Sharpay and Gabrielle giving me some encouragement from the side, I smile and wink at them before grunt back to Ms.Darbus and reciting my lines with emotions and heart

I make sure to not go overboard but to make everyone feel it

"Juliet......I'll love you in the next life and every one after that.....if you'll have me" I say with emotion

I hear clapping causing me to look up and see Ms.Darbus wiping tears and clapping along with Kelsi

"Brava Ms. Bolton, I am amazed and not surprised, you have a gift now I will give the news of the Romeo standings tomorrow in class" Ms.Darbus says

I say thank you and head out I got her hallway excitedly as I jump with glee, I think I got the part
No Ones POV

"I'm so happy for Toni, she definitely got the part" Gabrielle says happily

"I am too, I can't wait to be her Juliet soon" Sharpay says causing Gabrielle to look at her

"Wait, I'm auditioning for Juliet" Gabrielle says causing Shapay to look at her

"Why, your boyfriend clearly isn't getting it" Sharpay says confused and irritated

"It doesn't matter, I want the part" Gabrielle says, knowing there's more to it

"Well it seems like you only want it so that you can kiss Toni Gabrielle" Sharpay says causing Gabrielle to start stuttering over her words

"That's all in your head Sharpay, I'm auditioning and I'm going to get it" Gabrielle says uneasily

"Well.....let the best Juliet win" Sharpay says threateningly

A/n guess who finally updated and yes I just referenced Austin and Ally, sue me but lien don't actually, anyway I'm happy to update, feeling better today but I seem to be on a Disney kick so prepare for that or don't because idk


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