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Within a day the entire city had amassed a whole entourage to retrieve the missing hero. With the suspicious tip off, no one dared be complacent towards the loaction and had pulled in an inumerable amount of pro-heros and police officers, but all very quietly. They wanted to give the enemy absolutely zero time to move y/n to a different location in the case she truly was there.

On the other hand, y/n quietly prepared for her own escape. Bruce had given the message; they were leaving tonight. The preparation was simple, y/n had taken the napkins from dinner and inconsipicuously shoved them in the drain of the dripping sink, letting it fill as much as it could for a few hours. Frankly, y/n could not have been more nervous for something, any number of things could go wrong; probably would go wrong. However, when the time came, she was as ready as she could have been... but no preparation was enough.

When the clock striked 7pm, the time Bruce normally came with her dinner, the door opened as routine, but instead of a friendly face with a plate of plain rice, the bloodied body of her friend was thrown to the floor, before a man in a tracksuit stepped in.

"Well, well, well, we expected you to revolt but not with an inside source... how sad for you it's not going to work out."

If y/n hadnt been sitting on the pitiful bed she had, her legs would have gave out, and she would have fallen, "No..."

"Surprised? I sure hope so, even Tristan doesn't know, all so i could get you... it's truly a shame you didn't put up much of a fight and were so complacent, it was unbearably boring," a smirking, terrifying face paired with uncanny blond hair peered down at her.

"You were gone... you've been gone!" Y/n's words came out barely a whipser, horrified and disbelief filtering through her voice.

"You know... it was a shame Evan got the hit and not you... I was aiming for you yknow? Well, of course you wouldn't, it said I drunk drove but I mean... I could always hold my drinks. It was just a ploy! Truly it was so funny seeing Tristan defend me and you scream and curse at him in court, crying so hard your nose was running. That sight kept me going all these years but... I'm free now y/n! How's my little brother, huh?" It had been years... his face, that face, it made y/n want to puke.

"You took him from us, you took him and you feel zero remorse!?" Y/n screamed in anger.

The man frowned slightly, "Well that just wont do."

Before y/n could blink, her head flew to the side, the scarred skin stinging from the impact, "Are you really in a position to be yelling dear? Did you not hear me? Do you even remember my name? Eh, it's okay if you don't... I go by something new now, Barley. Fitting huh, considering i was taken in for vehicular manslaughter due to intoxication but in reality... it was all a lie. Do you think little Tristan will be happy to see me? He stopped seeing me in his first year in highschool... so annoying. I bet it was your fault."

Y/n just stared at him, hand lightly touching the red skin, he's absolutely crazy... what is wrong eith him? His eyes are insane, unhinged... I'm terrified, y/n thought as the self proclaimed Barley kept monolouging on and on. Finally he stopped snd took a deep breath, "Well anyways, fun time is over. Brucey here decided to betray us and help you, which I mean... c'mon bad move. Look at him now, you did this."

He pulled Bruce's head up by his hair, face swollen and bloody from an apparent beating, his breath ragged, "I'm sorry... they caught me."

"Ha ha! Look! He's apologizing! To you! Wow... well this is surprising, I beat him like a prision lackey and he apologizes to you and not me... how dissapointing. Oh well, I guess he's outlived his usefullness anyways," Barley cackled, pulling a knife from his belt and shoving it in Bruce's shoulder, a blood curdling scream filled the room and crimson blood poured to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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