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Four years later


Fresh out of highschool, and I'm thriving. Amd by that I mean, i've just bought an apartment, I already work at a Pro Hero company, and I'm single and ready to mingle.

Just kidding. Katsuki and I are still going strong. Even after five years. Although, I don't get to spend much time with him. He's always so busy as a pro hero. I get it, I do. I'm also really busy, but I think he just REALLY wants to prove himself, and sometimes I get put on the backburner. But that's okay. Of it makes him happy, i'm happy. But I really need a date day. Even just a few hours.

We're both 20, and. . . Still immature even though we're adults. What'd you expect? I love him. Really, I do. He treats me like I'm a queen, and when he can, he shows his appreciation in the sweetest ways possible, and worships me, telling me how beautiful my body is, even when I'm feeling really down. It's sweet, and he really sets the bar high. I doubt anyone could live up to it.

To be fair, he can be a bitch. Especially when it gets really stressful at work, or when he can't save someone. It's heartbreaking, and I give him some space, until he's ready to talk, and he eventually apologizes.

On the other hand, i've got a dog. A beautiful Doberman named Lakita. She's gorgeous, and I found her in a shelter a couple years ago, as a puppy, and begged my dad to get her for me. Suffice to day, he did. She now is one of the sweetest things, that will do anything to protect our home. I love her. And she loves Katsuki. She can't wait till he comes over, and he loves that dog to death. My god, the second he walks into my apartment he kneels on the floor to give my dog hugs.

As for now, I'm laying on the couch watching TV, well, netfilx, and eating goldfish. Lakita layed beside me, sniffling her nose for a couple goldfish. Should I? Probably not. Am I? Hell yes. She's just too cute to resist.

I give her two, and she gobbles them up like it's cake. I pet her head, and snuggled closer to her. It's a monday, and that's my day off. I work Tuesday to Saturday, and I get Sunday and Monday off. Which. . . Doesn't exactly work with Katsuki's sceduele. Unfortunately. I haven't seen him in weeks. But it should be his break about now. I might as well give him a call.

Dialing: Honey♡. . .

After a few rings I heard his voice.

"Hello?" He asked, voice deep, and confused.

"Hi honey, how are you?" I asked in response.

"I'm okay dear, what about you?" He said with a slight chuckle.

"I miss you. . ." I said, pouting even though he couldn't see me.

"I know. Me too Hun. I really want to spend some time with you, but--"

"You don't have the time. I got it," I cut him off.

He sighed, "I'm really sorry Dear. I don't want it to be like this."

I sighed too, ". . . I know. But I still miss you. I have not seen you in over a month. A MONTH. We used to spend everyday with each other."

"That was highschool. We're adults now, and we have responsibilities." He stated.

"You think I don't know that? We're pro hero's. I get it. Don't doubt that, or me." I scolded.

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now