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Mitsuki stared at me, ". . . Excuse me? You want to what?"

Oh my lord, i'm about to just sink in the ground, "I'd like to ask Katsuki to marry me. If you'd let me."

Mitsuki stared off into space, thinking. Oh Jesus, i'm gonna puke.


"Well, I'd love your blessing, but I still would really lik-- wait, seriously?!" I smiled at her.

She smiled wide and gripped my shoulders with her hands, "of course! Did you think I was going to say 'no'?"

"Well I was worried you were going to! Oh this is great!" I pulled her into a hug and smiled into her collarbone.

"Thank you."

She kissed the top of my head, "I've known you for 5 years kid, and I've never seen him happier than when he's with you. I want to see him that happy for the rest of his life."

I closed my eyes, smiled even bigger, and squeezed her just a little more, "Thank you Mitsuki, I hope I can become part of your family."

"I have no doubt that you will, and you already are y/n. We love you."

I pulled back from the hug and wiped my eyes. Yes, I teared up! "Okay, I've gotta go formulate this shit now."

She laughed, "Go get that boy a nice ring."

"You bet it's gonna be nice. How else am I meant to win him back?"

Sne ruffled my hair, "You haven't lost him, you've only had a bit of a hiccup. You'll solve it."

"A hiccup is a bit of an understatement."

"Okay, go! Go and get him back."

I smiled, turned around and left the house.

Kirishima POV

I laid a blanket over a slumbering Bakugo. His soft snores echoed in the deafening silence. I looked down at him and smiled slightly. This poor boy. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Walking back to the living room, bottle in hand, I turned back around and grabbed my phone off the counter. I set the water bottle on the side table nearest Bakugo and sat on the couch opposite the one Bakugo was currently slumbering on.

A shrill ring erupted from my hand. I jumped slightly and quickly answered it, hoping to avoid waking the sleeping giant. I walked to the balcony that was attaches to the upscale apartment, and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Kirishima, I really need your help with something."

I was suprised that it was y/n, "Well okay."

"Can you find Katsuki for me? I just-- I'm worried."

"Okay," I looked through the glass sliding door that led inside, peering at Bakugo's sleeping figure, "Found him."

"Oh okay-- wait what? Is he there with you?" She asked. I could hear the slight panic in her voice.


She sighed, "So you know what's going on right now then."


"I want you to know that it isn't true. It's all a misunderstanding." She desperately tried to reason with me.


"Are you angry with me?" She was hesitant to ask the question. And for good reason.

"Of course I am! My best friend called me crying! You know him, you know how rarely he cries, and the only times is when it concerns you or an animal dying-- it was scary, y'know?"

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now