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My first night being kidnapped was wonderful. Not. It was unsettling being there, and not just because I was kidnapped. It was so put together, the room was almost like a studio apartment, just without a kitchen, and the walls are definitely not inviting whatsoever. In fact, they were a rigid aluminum looking metal. But I really had no clue. The room had surveillance everywhere. The bedroom, living room type of area, dining area, and even the bathroom. Is that illegal? Yes. But you know what else is illegal? Kidnapping. So you know what, might as well commit more crimes along the way right? I guess that was their mentality. Or they're all just a bunch of pervs. I didn't know what this situation was to be completely honest. Like. . . Who the hell did I piss off?

I sat on the small bed that was in the corner of my small 'living space'. It was relatively dark in this small space. There were some lamps here and there, some candles, and a few ceiling lights, but not much else. I had no windows, so I couldn't tell if it was day or night, but I know I've been here for at least twelve hours. I can only assume since I'm not dead yet, I'm here for a purpose. Do I know what that purpose is? Absolutely not. Hell no. But I wish I did.

Everything was so god damned frustrating. I don't understand what's going on, but I'm also scared for not only me, but my fiancé. . . My fiancé. It hurt to think such a wonderful occasion ended with something criminal. I twisted my promise ring that sat on my left hand middle finger. 5 years ago he gave me that. It made me smile. I love thinking of all the sweet things my Katsuki did. To everyone that wasn't me, he was an asshole. But I know better, I know differently. I can only hope he finds me soon. . .

Two weeks later

I threw down my cards, "Damn it! Seriously Bruce? I'm the one captive!"

He laughed, "You don't seem captive little lady!"

I pouted. Bruce is one of my captors, but he has become almost a friend. Bruce has shoulder length brown hair, and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. Bruce is very muscular, and I remember being terrified the first time he came into my room. I thought he was going to hurt me, but instead he slapped a deck of cards on the table along with my lunch for the day, and lit a cigarette, prompting me to play a game of blackjack.

Bruce adopted the nickname "little lady" for me because he's 40, and I'm 20, so I'm exactly half his age. He comes and plays all sorts of card games with me throughout the day, and brings me my daily meals. For a kidnapped situation, this is definitely not how I expected things to go. But there was one problem, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't like to talk about it to Bruce, because I know he feels bad about the situation, and the fact that he can't tell me anything, but I'm happy just to have his company at this point. But there is this constant shadowing, and looming feeling. I can feel the impending disaster breathing down my neck. I know it's coming soon. And I'm scared. I'm beyond scared. I'm terrified.

Bruce stopped smoking around me after the first week. Not that he's fully quit, but I hate the smell of cigarette smoke and constantly complained to him, and he eventually stopped. He always had one in his pocket and would occasionally just take it out and hold it, but never lit it. And for that I'm grateful. I'm grateful for alot of things Bruce has done for me. He got a couple of flourecent lights installed so that I didn't ram my hip into the small dining table I had anymore.

Bruce scooped up that cards and took my plate from dinner tonight. He smiled, "I gotta go little lady. See you tomorrow."

I lightly smiled back, "Bye Bruce, night."

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now