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Makoto POV

I stared wide eyed for a couple seconds.

"Oh. . . that's who the daughter is. Oh my god, that's who the daughter is!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down Aizawa, I'll fill you in, but you've got to sit down and stop acting like an over protective dad for one minute so I can tell you." Sir Grawler said grabbing Aizawa by the shoulders and hefting him into a seat.

Aizawa glared. It would appear he didn't like that. I sat silently looking around while Sir Grawler explained the situation to Aizawa. When sir Grawler had finished, it was very clear that Aizawa was not happy with the situation.

Aizawa crossed his arms and looked pointedly at Sir Grawler. For the next ten minutes Sir Grawler told Aizawa what had happened at training that day. By the end, Aizawa had calmed down, and just looked miserable. I sat there for a while just waiting, when the hospital door slammed open, and a teenager walked- no stomped- into the hospital. From where I was sitting I could hear the receptionist sigh under her breath and mutter,

"What is with the people today? Just walk in calmly."

The teenage guy got to the receptionists desk, and stood there for a minute taking haggard breaths. He then spoke.

"I just ran 5 miles. I am not in the mood to be refused, but I am probably going to get my ass kicked if I'm rude, so, may I please see y/n or know what happened?" He said. The receptionist again pointed at us and said,

"Ask Mister Grawler over there."

He turned in our direction, and it occurred to me how disheveled he looked. He also sincerely looked like he had ran 5 miles. He walked over, like he was supposed to be intimidating, but something heavier weighed on his shoulders and he couldn't be bothered. He sank into the seat beside y/n's father, and sighed.

"What are you doing out of school young man?" Aizawa asked him.

"Same as you Sir."

Y/n's father just shrugged, and sighed, like he knew exactly what those words meant, and simply didn't care, or understood. The ash blond looked past Aizawa and Sir Grawler, and at me. He glared with steely resolve, which I could see was jealousy oozing out. He thrust his hand out at me.

"Katsuki Bakugo." He said in a gruff voice.

I tentatively took his hand, "uhm, Makoto Matsuoka."

He let go, and sat back in his seat. He leaned over and whispered something to Aizawa, a question, which he responded with some long explanation.

My attention turns to the ash blonde. He was slouched in a way that spoke of sadness and desperation. Like he was caving in on himself. He let loose a heavy sigh, before looking at me through his hair.

"What do you want?" He spoke roughly and without remorse.

3rd person POV

Katsuki glared at this boy. He wasn't happy with the fact that he was sitting waiting for y/n, and that he didn't know him. Katsuki knew that this was an unattractive quality, but he couldn't help being protective. And protective he planned to be.

"What are you doing here? As far as I'm aware Y/n doesn't have any guy friends."

Makoto just shrugged, "I don't know about friends, but I was Y/n's sparring partner today. I'm a main witness, and I can't really answer much."

Katsuki sat up a little straighter, "What happened? I can't stand this feeling of helplessness and desperation."

Makoto sighed, "I honestly have no idea. We were sparring in the ocean, and she got distracted by something i think, because then all of a sudden, when I attacked she was paying no attention, and she flew underneath the surface before coming back to the surface screaming. Then she, well then she. . . passed out."

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now