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When I got home, it is around 5 - 6ish and i need a nap. I pulled my phone out of my workout bag and pulled up my messages.

Me: hey bitches. Had a rough day. I'm going to go out drinking. Any of you guys want to come along?

Mina: oh hell yes. I'm ready to pArTy!

Me: of course you are. XD. Anyone else?

Momo: I don't know if I should.

Me: you don't have to.

Momo:I f-it. I'll come along.

Kiri: I'll come along. I'm bored.

Sero: me too.

Kaminari: I would but I've got university tonight. Sorry.

Me: it's okay! I'll be at address

Tsuyu: Cool. Be there.

Me: Alright, meet yall at 9?

Mina: yup

Momo: Okay.

Kiri: Gotcha

Kaminari: drink some for me.

Tsuyu: alright.

Now that plans have been figured out, I'm going to sleep for a few hours. And I did. I woke up at 8 O'clock ready for a shower.

After I showered I went to my closet and pulled out a black dress. The top was body tight, and the neckline plunged a little, while the sleeves were off the shoulder. The skirt billowed out, and ended a couple inches above the knee. I felt good in it, but I was also conservative in it.

The legal drinking age in Japan is 20, which I am, and so are my friends. . . So I'm going to de-stress the "adult way".

I sat down at my vanity, and I did my hair, styling it how I wanted, before I started makeup. Toying around was fun, but I was wearing a black dress, and only going out to drink. So. . . I'll keep it pretty simple. I started with foundation and the other basics. Concealer, contour, etc. I decided to do a pretty simple warm eye look, some mascara, and a wing before calling it a day.

I found a black faux leather handbag, put my phone, keys, credit card, lipstick, which was bright red, just to give a little pop of color, and finally my bag of powdered pepper. Pepper spray is illegal in Japan, but you can never be too safe.

Finally I was ready. It was 8:50. . . Which means I'm REALLY running late. But I doubt they're going to be there on time either. I called a drive service and waited about 5 minutes before hopping in the car. The drive was mostly silent, thankfully.

"You going out for a fun Saturday night out?" My driver asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. Had a stressful week. Wanted to hang out with some friends you know?"

"I get it. Well, have a good time." He said with a smile.

I gave him a smile back, "Thank you."

I got out of the car, and I walked into the club. It's was called Minnow's Nightlife. Odd name. Not going to lie. I found a table to sit at for a moment, and pulled out my phone.

9:20. Oops.

Me: I'm here. Where are you guys?

Momo: pulling up in 5. Got stuck in INSANE traffic.

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now