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The Date : Part One

Song: Best day of my life


I woke up at 8:30, very groggy. I sat up with my shirt sideways, shorts, also sideways, and my hair an absolute rats nest. Perfect start to the day. I laid back down snuggling under my covers, drifting back off to sleep slowly, but then my phone started to scream at me. I groaned, rolling over to grab my phone and shut it off, when I remembered that it's Saturday and not coincidentally also my date day.

I sat up and just sat there for a bit, squinting at everything. It was way too early to be up. But here I was, awake. I laid back down, stretching,  contorting my body back and forth, before getting back up and getting ready for the day. I really needed a shower, so I grabbed my towel off my bed where I'd accidentally left it, and hopped in the shower. I took a 30 minute shower with a mandatory singing in the shower moment, before hopping out to dry off.

It was spring, almost summer now, and it was hot as hell outside. I rifled through my clothes, which were scattered in baskets, drawers, and my closet. I found a functionally comfortable pair of shorts, and a black tank top and thin cardigan. Both the shirt and cardigan were pretty baggy, but not too long, so I was extremely comfortable. Good for me.

I brushed my hair, with much difficultly, "Ow, ow, ow. . . Ow!"

My dad heard my yell and poked his head in my room, "You good sweetheart?"

I turned around, with my brush half stuck in my hair, and smiled, more of a grimace actually. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just. . ." I yanked the brush through the ends of my hair, "fine!"

He just smiled and nodded then left my room. When I finally had brushed my hair out, I threw it in a ponytail to get it out of the way, before grabbing my phone and walking into the kitchen. It was 10 O'clock, and it only took 15 minutes to walk to Katsuki's house. So, I had time to kill. I wandered around looking through everything. The counters, cabinets, fridge, oven, and other places, before just settling for an orange. I sat at the kitchen table peeling my orange when my dad walked in.

"Good morning!" I said while eating my orange.

He smiled, and gave me a quick hug, before making some coffee. He leaned over his shoulder and looked at me, "You want any?"

I shook my head, "Nah. I'll just have Katsuki come with me to a coffee shop."

He shrugged. I finished my orange, and threw away the rinds, and then washing my hands and face. I ran back to my room to grab my keys and then running back to the kitchen, giving my dad a hug, and out the front door. I made it down the driveway before running back into the house and to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I grabbed my ear buds on the way out, and left the house for a second time. I started walking to Katsuki's house, listening to a song. I started humming along, knowing practically every word. Continuing down the street I really got into the song.

"This is gonna be the best day of my life!" I sang out, doing a little jig on the side walk continuing towards Katsuki's.

The song eventually ended, and I put that shit right back on. It had rained a few days prior, and I really appreciated the water still on the ground.

"Oh, oh, oooh, this is gonna be the best day of my life, my life~" I sang sliding down the sidewalk, and almost into the street, but quickly stopping myself. I looked around, seeing a couple people glance at me, but not really caring. And neither did I. I was having fun and that was all that mattered to me. I checked my phone and saw that it was 10:52.

Shit, I was gonna be late. I quickly jogged, because I don't run, and also used water, because why not? I made it at 10:58, just in time. I knocked on the door, a little hunched over trying to catch my breath. I heard the door opening, and looked up to see Katsuki.

"Hey!" I said, standing back up straight and giving him a hug.

He stepped back and let me enter the house, and then closed the door behind us. I walked into the kitchen where I heard some clanging. I looked around until I saw Mitsuki. She turned around and waved at me.

"Hi! I just cut up some watermelon. Want some?" She asked.

Katsuki had his arm slung around my shoulder. He looked  down at me, answering, "Only a little. I know you like it, but we're going to lunch."

Mitsuki shrugged, and put a little on a plate, and some on another plate handing them to us. We sat at the dining table eating the little bit we had on the plate. We finished pretty quickly, and we then washed our dishes and our hands. We then waved by to Mitsuki and left.

"Were you serious about lunch?" I asked him.

"Would I lie? It's lunch, of course we are." He answered giving my a kiss on the top of my head.

I laughed, and we kept walking wherever he was guiding me. We eventually arrived at the coffee shop we had first gone too. It was quite close. We entered and ordered our respective drinks. And little sandwiches. I still glared at his black coffee.

"Okay, that's it. You cannot have a vendetta against my coffee if I'm going to love you." He said.

I pouted, "but, noooooo."

He shoved the cup in front of me, "drink."

I pursed my lips before reluctantly taking a sip. I didn't really get much and took a slightly bigger sip. My gave him his cup back.

"So?" He asked, leaning forward a bit.

"I. . . Will admit, it isn't exactly dirt, and wasn't as bad as I perceived it in the past, but I still like my drink much, much more." I answered taking a big sip of my drink.

He gave a little smile, "That's all I ask for. You, hey, would you look at that, I suddenly love you again."

"Ha ha very funny, eat your sandwich." I said shoving his sandwich towards him.

We eventually finished and left, and Katsuki led me too our next destination.

We arrived at a park and we sat on a bench. We just sat around talking about random things, and watching as people walked by.

"Do you want to go see a movie?" He asked.

I shrugged, "sure, why not."

》》》End of Chapter《《《

Part two will be out soon!

Thank you all for reading!

I hope you enjoyed!

Please tell me any complaints! (Nicely)



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