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Katsuki tripped.

The playful conversation turned a 180, and in a literal sense, threw Katsuki on his ass.

Y/n cringed at the sound of the boy she just asked out falling to the ground in suprise. She officially decided this was the worst mistake she's ever made. She heard Katsuki stand up, and jog and walk beside her.

"Can you repeat that?" He asked, a sense of urgency in his voice.

Y/n shyed away, "n-nevermind. I didn't say anything."

He gripped her arm, and spun her around so she was facing him. "Did you ask me out? Tell me the truth."

She tore her eyes away from him, and muttered, "I said nevermind. I didn't say anything."

He growled, "Stop the bullshit. You asked me out, right? Just answer me. Please."

She refused to look at him, and her eyes stayed trained on the ground. "I- I did. I asked you out. So fucking what? If you don't want to say no. I'll just be your friend. If you'll even let me that is." Her voice turned harsh, being frustrated.

Katsuki's eyes softened, though y/n didn't see. His hand still around her shoulders, he yanked her forward and turned her face toward him, before pressing his lips to hers.

Y/n's eyes widened, and she stood there completely still. Katsuki's kiss was over so quick she wasn't even sure it had happened. She faintly brushed her hand against her lips. She looked up to see a smirking Katsuki looking down at her.

"Does that answer your question?"

She gasped lightly, and stood there, wide eyed. "Did- did you just. . . Did you just kiss me!?"

He glared, "Are you dumb? Of course I just fucking did."

She took a slight step back, and looked at him. "Wait-- does this mean that you like me? Are you going to go out with me!?"

He sighed, and rolled his eyes. "Yes, and yes."

"O-oh. That's, that's uum. I wasn't prepared for you to actually answer yes, much less kiss me. . ." She stammered.

He smirked, "Then how about I do it again."

He pulled her close, and kissed her again. Longer this time. Though it was only a few seconds, it felt like minutes to y/n. He stepped back, and y/n could still feel the lingering warmth.

She all of a sudden laughed, and blushed a deep red. Katsuki chuckled, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He steered her in the direction of her house, chuckling as they walked.

They arrived, and they stopped on the porch. He unwrapped his arm from around her shoulder, and stepped back.

"And by the way, your weren't moving fast. If anything, I'm the one who's moving fast." He said to her.

She blushed, remembering the two kisses earlier. "Yeah, well, at least it was nice. Ooh. That was a weird comment. Well my turn to move fast, are we officially girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"Yes, I believe we are. That is, if you want to be?"

"Why yes I do."

They chuckled, and Katsuki leaned in, gave her a small kiss, then stepped back. "Night y/n. See you tomorrow.

He turned around, and walked away from her and in the direction of his house. Leaving a red faced Y/n in his wake. Little did she know, Katsuki was redder than a ball pepper.


The next morning, the two met up in front of Y/n house. Katsuki pulled her close for a hug.

"Mornin' beautiful."

She chuckled, "One, lies. Two, you are suuuch a little romantic aren't you."

He shrugged, "You know you're cared for though. So what's the big deal?"

She chuckled again, "Nothing at all."

They walked to ISFWBH, and he dropped her off. A quick hug, and they split their ways.

As usual, y/n ventured to UA, and walked inside, instead of waiting for the school to let out. She walked to the classroom, and cackled to make sure the class was packing up and she wasn't inturrupting. They were, and she opened the door. She walked inside, eyes trained on Katsuki before a figure caught her eye.

A man shrouded in black, and covered in bandages stood at the front of the classroom.

"Dad?" She whispered. She walked over, and looked him over.

"Dad!" She exclaimed, hugging him. He hugged her back, and spoke.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you?"

She stepped back and glared, "You have some damn nerve."

He looked at her, "watch your language young lady."

She growled, and shoved him. "Fuck that! You got out of the hospital, and did it not even occur to you to call me? Let me know? Call anyone and tell them to tell me you were alive and awake!?"

She glared, "You have some damn nerve, old man."

She spun on her heel, and stomped out the classroom.

Caught up in her rant, she didn't notice the entire class watch this go down. Nor did she notice her concerned looking boyfriend. He swept up his bag, and ran after her calling her name.

"Y/n!" He called again, catching up to her.

She spun around, "What!?"

He pulled her in for a hug, and pressed her face into his chest. He didn't talk, but he knew that talking while she was this upset would only make the situation worse. She calmed down, and he'd made the right call. What did make the situation worse, and that all the classes had just been lost out, and a wave if students rushed out.

They all knew who Katsuki was.

They all knew how he acted.

They all knew of the girl that was his best friend.

They didn't know that she was now his girlfriend, or that he had a sweet side.

Students who didn't care just continued walking, after a quick glance. But for the students who did care, which was a suprisingly amount, crowded around the two.

Y/n, a generally awkward, and shy girl, being surround by people left her more than startled. And apparently left Katsuki quite suprised too, because he didn't even mutter a curse at all of them.

The big crowd of people only attracted the 1A classroom. They squeezed though all the surrounding students till all 19 were staring at the two standing there, still half hugging eachother.

"Wait, what the hell happened? Are you two dating!?" One of Katsuki's classmates exclaimed. She was literally pink.

Well shit.

》》》End of Chapter《《《

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now