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Y/n drew in a deep breath. Her first steps were successful. She continued walking into school until she eventually got into her classroom. The first day flew by in a flurry of information and tests.

Y/n being the nervous social wreck she was didn't talk much unless asking or answering teachers questions. By the time the final bell had rung she realized she hadn't made any friends or recognized anyone. Defeated, she dragged her feet out of class, head hung low.

She shuffled her body to the front gates, waiting for her father. A group of 4 boys approached her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A tall broad shouldered one asked. She cowered at the sight of his tall frame.

In her mind, these guys were a gang trying to rob her. All muscled, perfect for overpowering someone. She squeaked.


He made a scrunched face. "You... okay?"

She nodded vigorously. "U-huh!"

He smiled widely. "I'm Makoto, this is Rei, Haru, and Nagisa. We're friends. Just wanted to say hi."

She nodded, still a little uncomfortable.

"R-right... why are you talking to me, again? I can do literally nothing for you. Although I did get in here through recommendantion. So I guess I'm strong... you don't want to fight me do you!? I'm bad at fighting people who aren't bad! Actually scratch that. I'm bad at fighting when I'm not angry. And I'm not. Please don't fight me!" She started rambling.

The 4 stood there not quite sure what was happening.

"I'm sorry. I was rambling. Right, yes, why are you talking to me?" She asked, once she realized she was rambling.

"Dunno, just wanted too." Makoto said. "Well, got to go. Bye!" He said then scampered off.

Still frazzled from the random conversation, and done waiting for her father, y/n went on a walk toward the coast on the opposite side of town. She'd often discreetly clean up the trash dump. Though she hadn't really made a dent. When she arrived she was shocked to see a wide beach clear if trash.

"W-what!? Where'd it go!?" She exclaimed in shock.

Recovering from her shock, she shrugged it off and walked to the edge of the beach. She plopped her bag outside the reach of the water and kneeled down. She began playing with the water, making little sculptures before collapsing them to make another. She did this for a while. Lost in her own world, she didn't see, nor hear the fight that had broken out not to far from her.

She only noticed when she was crashed into, sending her careening to the ground. She let out a very unladylike grunt at the force that now had her laying in the sand. An ash blond, whom she assumed ran into her, was standing up, back to her, snarling at she was assuming someone.

In a bout of anger she stood up and shoved the ash blond.

"Excuse me! You literally just crashed into me! No, I'm sorry!?" She yelled cocking her hip to the side with her hand placed upon it.

The ash blond anger seemed to swivel to her as he swiveled his body toward her.

"What'd you just say!?" He yelled explosions popping out his fist.

She scowled back. "You heard me! Apologize for your actions!"

He snarled, "Absolutly, fucking, not!"

He took a threatening step forward. So did she. She drew water from the ocean and started forming a ball. A trajectory. Something she could hurl to the stupid, no mannered brat.

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now