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It is normally third personn pov, but for this its yours. Just so you know.

My hanging head shot up, startled. I saw the ash blond from the day before.

I sneered. "Oh you."

Internally I panicked. Oh my god! The blast he hit me with yesterday hurt a Fuck ton! I even have bruises! Why am I provoking him!?

Still, my dumb ass decided to glare at him.

I inwardly groaned.

"I said follow me." He spoke again. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me, pulling my body wherever he wanted to go.

Not exactly sure what the circumstances were, my common sense took over and decided not to put up a fight unless necessary. We were on a street with many people, and he wouldn't fight me in broad daylight with a bunch of people around, would he?

We stopped at a coffee shop in the middle of the city, he dragged me inside, myself still not resisting. We stepped up, or rather, he stepped, I was dragged to the counter.

"One black coffee, and what do you want?" He said looking back at me.

"U-uhm, f/d." I stuttered out, suprised by the suddenness of his words. Not only that, but these words had good intentions.

He paid and again, dragged me, to a empty two seater table in a corner by the window. I immediatly sat in the corner.

He huffed. "I was going to sit there." He said once in the opposite chair. I lifted me chin smirking smugly.

"You snooze you loose."

He glared, but then looked out the window, morose. I studied his body language. He was fairly relaxed, although tense, the reason unbeknownst to me. The lady walked over, gave us our drink, bid us a good day, and left.

I sipped at f/d still looking at the ash blond.

Then it hit me. I don't even know his name. I took another sip of the drink before looking at him.

"Yo, what's your name?" I cringed at my use of 'yo'.

He turned to me. "Katsuki Bakugo. What's yours?" He had a small mischievous grin. I squinted in suspicion before dropping it.


"Last name?" He asked me lounging in his chair.

I flushed red and ducked my head. "I'd rather not say."

He shrugged. "Whatever. I already know anyways."

My head shot up. "You what!?"

He smirked. "Y/n Aizawa, the daughter of the UA schools hero teacher. But even though he's her dad, she didnt get into UA, she went to Iwatobi School for water based hero's, through recommendantion."

I was speechless for a bit. Before glaring. "How do you know that?"

He put his hands behind his head, a very relaxed position. "I overheard some teachers. Plus your dad blew up in class today yelling at me, and others."

My head literally crashed down onto the tabletop, making a loud thud noise. "He didn't." I spoke, muffled by the table.

I sat up and looked at him, rubbing a now sore spot on my forehead.

"Oh boy, he did. If it weren't me getting yelled at, it would've been funny." He said a quiet chuckled emanated from his throat.

I groaned. "Of course he did. Let me guess, my hothead of a daughter, why'd you provoke her."

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now