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The following morning was well, it was rough. At least for y/n it was. It was a school day, and just like Katsuki, she had to go to school. She changed into her uniform, which Mitsuki had washed the day before, and just sat down on the couch with her bag, and stayed silent. A usually loud morning in the Bakugo household had turned silent. Katsuki got ready, but seemed on edge, like he was ready to go at any moment. Y/n had a general idea why he was so on edge, but she couldn't remember exactly what had shaken up the household. Or rather, she didn't remember how she had shaken up the household.

Katsuki walked over and gripped her shoulder. "C'mon Y/n. We've gotta go to school. I'll walk you to yours."

Y/n looked up, and saw a gentle featured Katsuki gazing down at her. "sure. . . I guess."

Katsuki smiled to ease her nerves, and helped her stand. "It'll be fine. I've got confidence in you."

She gave a small smile, "In truth, that's hard to belive Katsuki. After last night, I'm shaken up, you're on edge, and Mitsuki's mom instincts have been in over drive. It's absolutely ridiculous Katsuki, I feel so helpless. Not, I'm no good, helpless, but just weak, and confused, and well, helpless!" Y/n exclaimed hugging her arms to herself.

Katsuki enveloped her in an embrace, and muffled into the top of her head, "I know. But it'll all be okay. You know that right? We'll-- I'll keep you safe."

She nodded, and decided it wasn't worth her time at the moment to worry. "You're right. We'll  be okay. Let's go to school."


The weather was dark and rainy. Y/n, though still feeling helpless at her predicament, skipped, and slipped, around the sidewalks. Y/n didn't understand why people always seemed to complain when it was raining. Frankly, if she could keep the weather rainy all the time, she would. Who wants the sun out, all the time, it's literally a big ball of gases that heats up the earth, and toasts people's skin? Katsuki watched Y/n wield the water like it was a part of her. But he knew it was her quirk. The water flowed around her, and made patterns, and anything that y/n's heart desired. She looked so at home, and carefree. It warmed Katsuki's heart. Katsuki, who was standing underneath an umbrella, watched Y/n flounce around in the rain. She turned around and Katsuki recognized the genuine smile that graced her face. He chuckled, and continued to walk to her school.

Y/n, who was skipping around manipulating the water to her will, turned around excitedly, and exclaimed to Katsuki, "You know, because we're a school based on water quirks, we'll work outside today. Isn't that cool! Oh, I'm so excited. All normal schools make us stay inside when it's raining. But I think, that the water quirk people should have at least been able to go outside... don't you think so Katsuki?"

Katsuki glanced over, "Would that have made you happy?"

She hesitated for a fraction of a second to think, "Yes, very much so. That would make me ever so happy."

Katsuki gave a small smile before staring right ahead, while Y/n just looked at his side profile. "Then yes. I do think they should've let the water quirk people outside."

Y/n faltered, the water she was toying with in the air crashing down, at her loss of concentration. Y/n was startled by Katsuki's unusually sweet response. "Did, did you just- did you just flirt with me?"

Katsuki looked over his shoulder, where y/n now loomed, still standing still while Katsuki continued to walk. "Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows."

Y/n blushed at the devilish smirk that graced Katsuki's features. She ran to catch up, and lightly slapped his arm. "You're infuriating, Sparky."

"Well we're finally getting creative with the nicknames are we?" Katsuki said chuckling.

Y/n just smirked, "Yes, I am, Sparky."


Katsuki dropped Y/n off at school, and they'd both lived their days of school. As Y/n does get out of school first, she was waiting at the school gates for Katsuki. As the courtyard filled with students, Y/n all of a sudden was quite aware of all the eyes on her. She looked up and saw the guy she was waiting for. She waved, and was happy, then noticed the bandages around his knuckles.

"What the hell happened to you? And why's everyone looking at me?" Y/n asked him.

He growled. "Those damn peices of shit."

Y/n was suprised. She knew that he had a temper, but she realized she'd been on the best side of Katsuki, probably a side no one but she'd seen. "Katsuki... what do you mean?"

Katsuki glared at his bandaged knuckles, "I'm sorry. Someone leaked your secret. Everyone here knew that Aizawa had a daughter, what she looked like, and that she was best friends with the damn stupid Katsuki before lunch. You'd think that I was the richest man around with the amount of people surrounding me today. It was fucking ridiculous."

She sighed, "It was bound to happen."

Katsuki's hanging head shot up, "huh!?"

She sighed again, "I said, it was bound to happen. I just didn't want it to get out because I'd just become a rung in the ladder to the top of society. I'd just be a foothold for people who want to get to the top. But in my 16 years, I've  learned not to take shit from others. I'll be okay. This is how I find out who're my real friends."

She bumped her hip into Katsuki's, "And so far, I think I've got a pretty solid one. And like seriously, do you have a workout day dedicated to just your hips!? My side hip bone hurts."

Katsuki snorted laughing, "You could turn that so very easily into a dirty joke."

Y/n's eyes widened, getting what he was hinting at. "KATSUKI!"

He laughed, running down the sidewalk away from the school toward his house. He continued running away from y/n, which he soon realized was futile because the sidewalks were slick with water, and y/n glided easily across the pavement.

Y/n's laugh rung in Katsuki's ears, and he sprinted away to no avail. Y/n caught up, and crashed into him. They careened to the ground, landing not exactly what would've been desired, but the two were so busy laughing to register if they were in pain or not.

Katsuki and Y/n continued on the walk home, though now silent. Y/n all of a sudden stopped.

"So, um, I know that this is probably the worst decision I've ever made, because if it doesn't go how I want, this might ruin one if the best things in my life. And I really hope, well I know this is extremely fast... but-"

Y/n took a deep breath.

"Katsuki, will you go out with me?"

》》》 End of Chapter 《《《

Yeet bros.


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