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The Date : Part Two

Song: Take me to church - Hozier

Has zero relevance to the chapter, I just like it.


Katsuki and I were walking to the movie theater trying to decide on a movie to watch.

"We could watch the crappily funny adaptation of the Tuppets, with like Cermet and Miss Peach, a cheezy romantic movie where someone probably dies, or. . . The end game to a very long saga of movies I've been following for 10 years." I said scrolling through my phone, looking at the times for movies.

"Is that the uuuhm. . . Avangers: Endgame, yeah?" He asked.

I nodded. "Or you know, we could watch a scary movie?" He said to me.

I thought on it for a sec. "I mean. . . Do you want me to scream in the theater?"

"YES." He said adamantly. I sighed. He was always willing to do what I want to, but relationships are about compromise. "Hmmmm, okay. But be prepared for me to cry, and it's gonna be on your shoulder."

"I always said you'd have a shoulder to cry on." He said smirking.

"On second thought perhaps we should watch the cheezy movie, because apparently you're as cheezy as it is." I said smirking back.

"Alright I relent, but I was serious." He said with a small smile.

I patted his arm, "I know."

● ● ●

We arrived at the movie theater ten minutes before our movie started. It was called 'A Silent Place'

I am about to shit myself, because apparently this is one of the scariest movies like. . . Ever. We were getting our drinks, and I got a large Coca-Cola, because I'm going to need it. I decided against popcorn, because that shit is going to go everywhere when I jump and scream.

We went into the movie theater five minutes before the movie started, and we sat down. I was already scared, and we were just going through previews. Katsuki leaned over and whispered, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yeah, no. But we've already paid for it and I'm not wasting it."

He shrugged, and laid his head on my shoulder.

After another ten minutes of previews the movie was finally starting.

The entire movie was actually terrifying, and I was screaming around every corner. But, so was alot of other people in the theater, so it was fine. I was constantly grabbing Katsuki's arm and hiding, and eventually just left my seat, climbing onto his seat and curled into a ball while he chuckled at me. He wrapped his arms around me, as I hid my face in his shoulder. I was sitting sideways with my feet hanging in my chair.

The movie eventually ended and I was hoarse from screaming, and downing my coke.

"That was really good." Katsuki said as we left the theater

I was wide eyed, and practically dying, "uuuuhm, yeah, it was good. I liked being held as if I was a tiny child, in which I am, just take out tiny because I'm hella thick."

"I would say that is accurate." He said, as we walked out of the movie theater. We were walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand, when I saw an ice cream shop. I stopped, and Katsuki was pulled back by me.

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now