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Without me- Halsey

Makoto immediately scooped y/n's limp body out of the water. In danger of hurting y/n with his quirk he swam normally to the boat.

"Sir Grawler!" Makoto yelled, urgent.

Sir Grawler walked over quickly, sensing the urgency in his voice. When he saw y/n he didn't hesitant, and immediately took her from Makoto's arms and layed her on the boat's deck. He checked her pulse, and many other things before he even saw her face. There was horrible burns, and it looked like the skin was melting or being eaten.

He stood, and blew two trills of his whistle, signaling everyone to the boat. He needed to rush her to the hospital.

"Makoto, lay her on a lounge chair on the deck. Don't let your skin touch her face, we don't know what the hell that is." Sir Grawler told Makoto, before turning to address the remaining students.

Makoto walked to the deck on the ship, and layed y/n down on a lounge chair. Y/n didn't make any noises and was completely silent. Which was scarier than her screaming. The only sign that she was still alive was the slow rising and falling of her chest.

Makoto walked back to Sir Grawler and the other students.

"So we'll be cutting our lesson short today. I want you all to go into the school, and go straight to the locker rooms, I want you to change out of your swimsuits, then go have study hall. And Makoto, call the paramedics. I want them there by the time we get there."

"Yes sir!" The students called, before going inside the ship.

They arrived at the schools dock, and all the student went inside the school like they were told, and Sir Grawler walked off the ship to get the paramedics.

A few minutes later, and y/n was loaded on a stretcher, inside an ambulance being raced to the hospital.


Katsuki sat in class, tired and frustrated as usual. The students around him were loud and he couldn't focus on the assignment he was given. He resorted to not doing it at the moment. He'd do it later. If anything, he'd ask y/n to help him if he didn't get it.

The phone at the side desk rang. Aisawa trudged over there and in a tired voice said, "Hello?"

As per rules, the class went silent when a teacher was on the phone. Aizawa stood there for less than a minute before slamming the phone down.

"Shit!" He yelled, before grabbing his bag and leaving the classroom. Katsuki watched the door with wide eyes, before pulling out his phone and calling someone.

"Y/n, why did your dad just curse then run?"

"Sir, who is this?"

"Who the hell are you, and what did you do with y/n!?"

"Sir were going to have to ask you to calm down. This is the hospital. Y/n is in our care at the moment. Again, who is this?"

"Katsuki Bakugo, her boyfriend."

"Very well. You're allowed to Vist her in a few hours. She's still not ready for visitors."

"Thank you."

Katsuki hung up, then shoved his textbook of the desk. It clattered to the floor with a loud thud. Suprising other students, and drawing attention to himself.

"God fucking dammit!" Katsuki yelled, jumping up out of his seat, before grabbing by his bag, and running out of the classroom in the same manner his teacher did.

The class was silent, shocked, and confused.

"What the hell just happened?"


Sir Grawler has driven to the hospital to inform the doctors what had happened. He brought Makoto with him, as he was the primary witness. Both sat in the waiting room where it was silent, except for shuffling of papers, and tapping of shoes on the ground. Makoto squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. He didn't like sitting still in a seat like this when he was nervous. He leaned over and spoke, hushed, to Sir Grawler.

"Sir, what going on with y/n? Why's she like that?"

The burly man just shrugged. "I haven't the faintest idea. Could be an allergic reaction, or be a paper cut for all I know. A real, real nasty paper cut."

Makoto chuckled lightly. Even in the dire situation, it was sort of funny, in a dark humor type way.

That was the type of person Sir Grawler was anyway. He was a big man, with an overpowering frame. He looked like All might over from UA, mixed with a bear. He had fierce eyes, a sly grin, and an overall strong sense of power radiating off him. But he was also very loyal. He also cracked jokes alot. He was without a doubt the most liked teacher at the school.

Lost in his thought Makoto nearly missed the commotion unfolding in front of him.

Sir Grawler and Makoto sat near the reception desk, so they saw it all unfold.

"I demand to see my daughter!" The man yelled.

Makoto leaned over slightly, and whispered to Sir Grawler, "Doesn't he seem familiar to you?"

Sir Grawler huffed. "Look familiar? Bah! I know exactly who he is, and who he's talking about."

"Who...? Nevermind. How?" Makoto asked.

"He, is Aizawa. The pro hero, Eraser head. He is a teacher a UA. One of the harshest, he once expelled a whole class on the first day. Anyways, i've seen him at hero meetings, argued with him, he's quite the hard headed bull he is. But, I'll give him credit, he's a damn good hero, and a damn good dad."

"Well he just demanded to see his daughter, so I'm assuming he has a daughter... but how do you know he's a good dad?"

Sir Grawler chuckled, "Cause I know her. She's a damn good kid. Sweet girl, works hard too."

"Who is she?" Makoto asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Not my secret to tell."

Secret? It was a secret?

That didn't make sense to Makoto.

Makoto refocused on listening to the yelling man.

"I said we can't allow that sir. She isn't ready for visitors. You can go sit over there with the other people waiting to see her."

The man whirled, staring at the two of them where the lady had pointed.

He stomped over, a murderous look upon his face.

"Who're you and what do you want with my daughter?"

》》》End of Chapter《《《

I absolutely hate the first half, and wanted to fix it, but couldn't for the life of me figure out what I wanted to change.

Hope yall enjoyed


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