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Y/n led Bakugo around the city and to an obscure park. Bakugo, didn't have the faintest idea where they were going, nor why this place was special.

As far as he was aware, this was a regular old park.

She pulled him through the big park till they ended up at a huge rock.

"The fuck is this?" Bakugo asked.

She sighed. "It's a boulder. It's been here forever. C'mon."

She started to climb over the rock. He he gripped her wrist. "The hell you doing!? You're going to fall."

She scoffed. "I ain't that clumsy. I'll be fine. You will be too. Let's go."

He sighed, but complied. He scaled the rock after her. They got to the top and she looked at him. She grinned. Then she jumped. Bakugo in panic, scrambled, jumping down after her. She was standing there waiting for him. She gave a wide grin, and gripped his hand, pulling him after her again. They arrived at a dark area. Though Bakugo had no idea where he was, or what he was doing, y/n seemed to fluently skip around the area. She lit up the place with lanterns. Those old oil lamps from the early 1900's. In the center of the place, a rounded cave area, there were cushions, blankets, and other cushioned pillows. She sat down, and patted the spot beside her. Bakugo walked over and sat down.

"The hell is this place?" He asked looking around. He eyes scanned the room. It had a homey feel with the lanterns.

"My special place." She said leaning to the side ever so slightly and her head rested on his shoulder.

He stiffened slightly, before relaxing. "Why?"

She sighed. "When I was ten, my mother came back. She demanded to be a part of my life. I didn't like her much. But even after 10 years, my dad still loved her. He let her into our home. It was okay the first month, but it went downhill so fucking quickly."

She gritted her teeth. "The old hag didn't even care about my dad. Didn't care about me! She starting trying to control our lives. My dad was still so smitten with his old wife that he was blind to it. But as far as I was aware, this woman left me and my father to die. No one meant more to me than my father."

She sighed. "No ones ever meant more than my father to me. I confronted her, but then she threatened me. She threatened me to stay quiet around my dad or she'd make sure I never saw him again. This scared me."

She chuckled darkly. "Nothing had scared me as much. I complied, I was only a scared 10 year old. In the end, I started running here, I would hide here for hours. I'd hide here and pretty much cry. I was so disheveled. I looked dead eventually. I honestly wasn't taking care of myself, I couldn't bring myself too. It's stupid, I know. My father might have been tired, and simply not cared, but I was a mess. I honestly did look dead. Eventually my father noticed. He berated me, asking me why, why, why why? I was so scared if that woman wrath I kept silent. He somehow caught on. He started fighting with her. I was so scared of her. One day she turned around and used her quirk on me. My quirk wasn't genetic. Because hers honestly was pain. It was so unbearable. So I ran. I ran to the only place I felt safe."

Y/n looked at the ceiling. "I hid here for days. When I finally came out, the police surrounded me. They took me to the hospital. For two reasons. One, I needed severe medical attention. And two, my father had been hospitalized. He managed to get the old hag out of our house, but ran himself into the ground searching for me."

A single tear ran down her cheek. "It was at that moment I realized my greatest fear. I was so afraid of hurting my father after that. I never wanted him to worry, never wanted him to get hurt. He means everything to me. I never left his side in the hospital. A day later he woke up, and it was like all the weight of worry washed away. I broke down. And from that moment on-"

She turned to look Bakugo right on the eye. "- I swore I'd never hurt him again. That is me. I wanted to open up Bakugo. You let me in. Don't even try to deny it. I'm good at reading people. I've seen how you act around others. You treat me so kindly. This is me wanting to repay you. There's my story. Pitiful 15 year old girl. I wasn't even beat. I didn't have abusive parents. I had one amazing dad, that got pulled into a witches spell. And this witch used her quirk on me. I'm okay now. I, I- I uuhm. I have more to share. I just, can't right now."

She felt a few more tears slip out. "I hope you can understand, Bakugo."

He wiped her face with his thumb. "I do treat you differently. I wonder why... maybe it's because an amazing girl forced me to be her friend. And my names Katsuki."

She choked back a sob. She smiled, "Thanks you, Katsuki."

He pulled her into a side hug. "Don't worry about it."

She slumped into the hug she was given. She hadn't been able to let go of that pain. And katsuki had let her let go. She was right about him. And she couldn't be happier.

"Damn, can't you take that sweater off? It's fucking hot in here." Katsuki said fanning himself with his hand.

She shook her head. " I don't want to take it off."

"C'mon just-" He said and he lunged yanking it off.

She shrieked. "Katsuki! Give it back!"

She caves in on herself. She wore a tank top underneath so she wouldn't always be hot. But it showed to much. She couldn't bear it.

"Give it back." She said firmly.

He glared. "Why, you don't need it."

She made a grab for it. "Give it back, please!"

He avoided her grabbing hand. He noticed how she clutched her arms to herself unless she was making a lunge for the sweater.

"Katsuki... please." She wimpered.

His features softened, he relented and gave it back. She slipped it on.

"Why the Fuck did you want it back so bad?" He asked her.

She slunk back. "It dosent matter. You won't understand."

He sighed. "Then help me."

She looked back. "I can't. I just can't, not right now."

He walked over and pulled her into a hug. He placed his head atop hers. "I'm sorry."

She hugged him back. "It's okay."

She stepped back and started walking back to the rock. "Let's go. It's getting late."

He nodded, and followed her. They climbed over the rock and jumped down. He walked beside her, walking her home. It was silent. He clutched her shoulder and she was pressed into his side. As usual.

Y/n was jerked back. Katsuki spun around.

"Well, well, princess. How's it been?"

》》》End of chapter 《《《

Yay. Some back story. You're welcome.



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